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This proposal is barbaric, inhumane and does not represent Canadian or Ontarien values. Our wildlife is a major source of pride and virility for our province and deserves more respect and consideration. Particularly when it comes to life. Read more

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Very against this proposal. Which barbarian thought of this regression of society? Should we cage some politicians and have dogs threaten them to train the dogs to hunt for corrupt politicians?

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As a member of the Barrie-North Springwater m Oro represented by Doug Downey I want to voice my opinion about the proposal for new dog trialing and training licences/transfer of licences. Read more

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It does not matter what 'guidelines' are put in place, this practice is barbaric. Wildlife should never be forcefully taken from a natural environment and held captive to be used in such a horrible manor. This is 2023, not the middle ages. Read more

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This is a disgusting practice that should be ENDED. Terrifying, torturing captive animals is the complete opposite of humane. Is there no depth of cruelty that this government won’t sink to?

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I do not agree with the proposed changes. There are alternative ways to train hunting dogs, which would result in less unnecessary curtly to a wildlife subject. The proposed change seems to be made due to convenience over necessity.

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Please do not do this. It is inhumane and horrible and unnecessary! Animals have a right to habitat and a peaceful existence. Why would you add to their worldwide eradication with this needless cruelty. Read more

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This is beyond cruel and an unbelievable step into the past. If in 1997 enough people thought this was an inhumane practice, what thought process has changed that in 2023 it would be seen as acceptable? Read more

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Penned dog NOT do this...have WE learned nothing>>> FOR A KIND, SAFE, HEALTHY and J U S T WORLD>>> The WAY WE TEACH...the WAY WE LEARN...and the WAY WE BEHAVE...will NOT MAKE THIS POSSIBLE...there is a BETTER WAY>>> EACH and EVERY ONE OF RESPONSIBLE>>> Read more

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I am not supporting the act allowing the training purpose for humting wildlife. Even it means in a private area. Humans should expand the rights of wildlife instead of using the old inhumane tactic to them. Read more

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This proposal is barbaric and is moving us backward with knowledge and skills. In 2023 there have been successful advances in the ability to train dogs without the nees to torture and cause needless animal suffering. I would hope that the government of Ontario is about progress and moving foward.

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I firmly reject the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for train and trial areas in Ontario. Penned dog hunting facilities are cruel to the wild animals who are subjected to various methods used to train dogs to hunt. Read more

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We should ban the practice and all facilities doing this immediately. If anyone did any of these cruel things to animals themselves and not by a dog, it would be a crime. As this should be. This is not purposeful culling for population/disease control or sustenance but cruelty for sport.

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This proposal is abhorrent. As a resident of Ontario this proposal goes strongly against my values. I am proud to live in a caring, nurturing society, and this proposal is clearly a step backwards. Politicians should be working to make the world a better place, not a crueler one. Read more

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I recently learnt of this practice for the first time and am disgusted by it. This is cruel to wild animals and should be outlawed entirely, not expanded. To consider doing so is frankly sadistic. Read more