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I totally disagree with this expansion and, further, disagree with your support for ruthless killing of Canada's wild life. This is a disgrace to your country. Surely, if human-wildlife conflict is enough to cause need for action, then it should not be some voyeuristic form of entertainment... Read more

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I strongly oppose the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses, and the transfer of existing licenses, for dog train and trial areas in Ontario. Wildlife should never be taken from their natural environments and held captive by hunters. Read more

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This is disgusting. By expanding and ,asking it legal is not a resolution to the concern of this practice going underground. Breeding animals to allow the dogs to hunt and kill is in humane and goes against human nature of protecting our wildlife. Read more

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As a civilized society, we should not allow the penning of sentient creatures for the sole purpose training hunting dogs. I am a tax payer in Ontario and I do not want this practice to be expanded.

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Medieval practice. Barbaric and unnecessary. I thought, as a society, we were moving in the right direction when it comes to protecting animals. This sickens me. Canada has it very wrong with the proposal of this abhorrent practice and the world is watching.

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I disagree with the amendment as I feel these train and trial areas should be phased out completely. They are cruel and wrong. Please do not allow for new licences or the transfer of licenses. The ones currently operating should be closed.

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Re: Increasing the Number of Trail and Train Areas With shrinking natural areas for animals to roam freely it seems very inhuman to allow the increase in areas where man can hunt and kill trapped animals. Read more

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This proposal is presented with all sorts of rational information so as to make it appear acceptable. But it is morally wrong and I’m ashamed of my species and it’s penchant for rationalizing anything they want to do. Training dogs using wildlife is wrong. Thank you.

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Absolutely disgusting that any human can condone this. Having dogs terrorize wildlife in a confined space so they can be trained is only something humans with a lack of compassion would do. Obviously those who condone this don’t really care that those animals feel pain and suffer. Read more

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Please don’t allow this barbaric activity. How does this type of behaviour not increase the likelihood that these dogs would be dangerous outside of these pens? If this is allowed, what would stop Ford from allowing cock fighting as an ideal family outing?

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This is a blatant violation of animal rights. To promote this kind of inhumane behaviour is unacceptable and the people who want this type of “hunting” are cruel. Please do not allow an increase in the already too many killing fields. Read more