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I strongly oppose the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses, and the transfer of existing licenses, for dog train and trial areas in Ontario. Penned dog hunting facilities are cruel to the wild animals used to train dogs to hunt. Read more

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I am shocked that hunting dogs are trained using other wildlife as live bait. There must be another way to train hunting dogs. This is animal cruelty and is unethical for the goverment of Ontario to liscense further facilities.

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Please do not allow this to happen. My grandfather, an avid, lifelong hunter, told me in his later years how he could no longer hunt and kill creatures for sport. He felt great remorse at his earlier practices and never shot or trapped another living creature. Read more

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As an Ontario taxpayer, I absolutely, completely, thoroughly reject this proposal. There is no fair sport in stocking wildlife to be hunted, and this whole concept is a black mark against our values that include humane and fair treatment of animals.

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I strongly opposes the Ministry of Natural Resourses and Forestry's proposal to ammend the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act to allow licencing of new Train and Trial facilities. Read more

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I had no idea something like this existed. I understand the need to cull certain species of animals when there are too many, but to trap and allow dogs to capture then in an enclosed area does not seem right at all. I thought our Country/Province was more forward thinking than this.

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I think it is unethical to have animals held captive so that other animals can chase and hunt them. Traditional hunting is an outdoor sport and there are areas in the wilderness where hunters can take their dogs with them. Prey animals in the wilderness have a chance to hide or escape. Read more

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OMG, how barbaric. Nothing about protecting wild animal life instead of stressing animals. What is next, allowing people to eat dog meat like in Korea? Even in there the horrible practice is being phased out. Outlaw this practice. it is inhuman. Read more

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As an Ontario resident and environmentalist, please note that I am very strongly OPPOSED to this proposal, which is not only needlessly and brutally cruel to our wildlife neighbours and detrimental to ecological wellbeing, but also needlessly expensive to us Ontario taxpayers.

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I ask that you reject this proposal and prevent wildlife in the public trust from being confined, harassed, and terrorized in what amounts to an increase in canned hunting. It is a blatant abuse of wildlife and also leaves young wildlife orphaned and left to predation and starvation. Read more

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Absolutely ridiculous. Unless you are of Indigenous background or hunt because you have no recourse but to live off the land, there is no reason why you need a hunting dog, especially at the expensive of captive wild animals. No to these proposed changes.

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I do not agree with the idea to allow more dog train and trial areas to open. I do not agree with trapping a wild animal, putting it in a cage to use it as bait. You can properly train dogs without these facilities.

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This government is clearly making things in Ontario worse for people, and now it seems for the animals as well. Instead of issuing new licenses for this barbaric practice they should be closing the 24 open ones. Absolutely disgusting behaviour. Just when you think it can’t get worse it does. Read more

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That this proposal is even being considered in Ontario is abhorrent. Placing the 'sport' of hunting above the well-being and protection of wildlife is unnecessarily cruel and wholly unjustifiable. Read more