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How is this conservation? We have well over 100 years of *global* data proving human intervention has NEVER worked. The ultimate goal you are trying to achieve is not possible through these means. Read more

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This is abuse. If this were a dog or cat this could never happen - why is it allowed to happen to a wild animal? You are abusing animals if you let this happen. Every single one of you becomes an enabler of animal cruelty and abuse. Read more

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This is animal cruelty. Subjecting wildlife or any animal to constant fear and the inability to escape, is cruel. Taking them from their homes, Is cruel. Please stop torturing animals. If you wouldn’t do it to your own pet, don’t subject ANY animal to it.

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Hunting with dogs in this style is an archaic colonial tradition that shows no respect for life. Wasting space and animal/plant species lives for the purpose of training dogs is appalling and unsustainable. I am adamantly against this amendment. Read more

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Please stop this inhumane practice. It is cruel and unnecessary to torture innocent creatures. Our jobs as human beings is to protect and care for the planet and that includes all the creatures that live on it. It is disgraceful that this is still being done. Read more

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This should be outlawed. The use of dogs for hunting and especially the training of dogs allowing for captive wildlife. This is completely inhumane! At a critical time when wildlife is already threatened due to climate change and over-development this should be unheard of! Please stop. Read more

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I do not support this change. The proposed change would allow more so-called "train and trial" areas to open and existing ones could be transferred to new owners. That is totally unacceptable. We need to continue with the original plan to phase out these cruel and inhumane areas. Read more

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This law is terrible and should not be passed. This is not humane for our wildlife and is completely unnecessary! We need to be protecting our wildlife, not subjecting it to a person’s pleasure of killing. Read more

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This is a horrific practice that needs to be phased out and ended, not expanded. To allow more areas to be established and more animals mistreated and killed is inhumane and cruel and should not be allowed to continue.

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I am firmly against this horrific act. Ontario should be ashamed to even let this barbaric act exist never mind expanding it. Animals are living breathing beings just as we are. They feel pain as we do. How completely inhumane to train dogs to rip apart living beings. Read more

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What a truly horrific and inhumane practice. And instead of ending or phasing them out, the government wants to increase it? Shame on you. I would love to hear what lobbyist won the heart of the government on this one. Please reconsider.

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As an Ontario resident and taxpayer I absolutely oppose this. This practice is cruel and inhumane. This does not promote hunting for sustenance, This enables unnecessary, gratuitous blood sport and abuse of wildlife.

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I have worked within the veterinary medicine community and with wildlife for 35 years. I have been involved with the MNR regarding wildlife management and feel I comprehend most issues involving hunting practices. However, this current proposal is jaw-dropping to say the least. Read more

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This practice is inhumane and no new licenses should be permitted. As a lifelong citizen of Ontario, I am ashamed that such activities take place. It is a cruel way for wildlife to die. If hunters wish to hunt for sport, only guns should be used for a quick and painless kill. Read more