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Hello, I am totally opposed to any amendment that would allow issuance of new licenses for new dog train and trial anreas etc.. that would support animals and birds to be trapped and transported to these dog training areas. This is inhumane and not a conscious route for humans to be going. Read more

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This proposal is actively horrific. Wildlife in Ontario are facing dire enough conditions with erosion of green space at an all time high. To entrap existing wildlife for training and advertise competition hunting is an abhorrent idea for Ontario. Read more

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I do not support this proposal. The idea that my government would consider encouraging the capture and torture (which it is - saying that isn’t being overly dramatic) of wild animals so they can be used to train hunting dogs is appalling. Read more

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Absolutely not! This is barbaric, why don't we start bear baiting again while we're at it?! Why would you even propose creating dangerous public animals when you banned the pitbull for apparently being the same? This makes Absolutely no sense and is completely moronic Read more

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I was appalled to learn that dog training facilities even exist! Hunting for sport itself is disturbing enough, but now animals are given no chance of survival in dog training facilities?! This is like the Hunger Games! Read more

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Hello, I think it’s sad that in 2023, we are still allowing hunting training centres using live animals as bait. It’s time to make a change. You are not allowing new licenses and now is the time to phase out all current licenses. Read more

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What is this archaic and unnecessary practice? Why is this even being given a thought? This is horrible. There's no way that this should be allowed in a time when we (hopefully) know better. The poor animals who are taken from their homes and tortured is an absolutely inhumane practice. Read more

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Ban this ridiculous practice without further delay. Abhorrent. What exactly is the upside for the helpless prey animals ??? This puts Ontario in the dark ages and kept quiet for too long. What is this government thinking ??

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This Act neither conserves or provides safety for the animals who will be caged, fenced and terrorized. I respectfully request that you consider other more humane measures of training. Using animals in this manner only serves to put them at risk of harm in ways that are unfair and cruel. Read more

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Trapping animals in a pen for the purpose of training another animal to better hunt is inhumane. Animals will naturally hunt each other as part of the food chain, but to purposefully trap one in a pen for training only encourage and promotes the abuse of wildlife.

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This is inhumane - please don’t make other animals live in fear to train other animals- all creatures deserve to live free from fear and death- please don’t do this to our countries animals - love life and let others live ❤️