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This proposal is disgusting. I cannot believe that any government ministry would actually allow dogs to train for hunting by using a wild animal as bait. I thought we were supposed to be protecting our wildlife.

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This is absolutely disgusting, heartless, appalling, cruel! 😡😥 Stop the capturing, torturing and killing of these beautiful animals!!! The same way that humans don’t want to be trapped and kept in a cage and tortured the same animals don’t want that either! Like what in the world! Read more

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This is absolutely disgusting, heartless, appalling, cruel! 😥 Stop the capturing, torturing and killing of these beautiful animals!!! The same way that humans don’t want to be trapped and kept in a cage and tortured the same animals don’t want that either! Like what in the world! Read more

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This proposed amendment is deeply disturbing and cruel. As a resident of Ontario I find this disregard towards the lives of wild animals and cruelty disgusting and not at all representative of me or other compassionate Ontarians who respect our province's wildlife. Read more

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Learning that these facilities still exist was a real shock. Why does Ontario still allow, and consider encouraging MORE of these barbaric "training" areas? My objections are: 1) Keeping wild animals is a crime in Ontario. Why is this exception acceptable? Read more

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How can a human even think of doing this to these beautiful animals! If a human hurts another human, they get thrown in jail and and charged. It should also be the same when doing this to an animal another living creature! Stop the capturing of the these innocent and beautiful animals! Read more

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This is so beyond inhumane I am stuck on why this is even a topic of discussion. It is obviously, without question, unethical and completely barbaric to take animals from the wild and cage them for a life of torture and eventually death. It’s 2023. Read more

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This is nothing less than animal abuse. Inflicting pain and suffering an any animal under any circumstance should not be tolerated and to do so for recreational/sport is despicable. I can’t believe Canadian law would ever permit this behaviour. Read more

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Please do not pass this bill. There is no reason to do this for a recreational activity. We can do better. Ontario’s wildlife needs to be protected as development has already taken much of their habitat.

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This new proposal is utterly inhumane & cruel!! The government can NOT allow this new proposal to go through! One species is no better than the other. We have no right to use or kill other animals for our own selfish wants or needs. If we were the ones to be hunted, you would not allow it. Read more

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The provincial government is proposing an amendment to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act (FWCA) that will encourage animal cruelty through the use of hunting dogs. I strongly oppose this inhumane treatment of wildlife.⁠ ⁠ Read more

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This is such an inhumane idea and I do not support it at all. The entrapment of native wildlife is not the kind of views we need to support when our natural environment is truly struggling. Read more