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What a barbaric, horrific idea this is. Who in God's name thought this was a good idea? Utterly brutal. I am appalled at the senseless inhumanity of it. Totally unnecessary, devoid of compassion and thoroughly out of step with the times we live in. Do not let this go forward!!! Read more

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This is the absolute most barbaric and appalling proposal yet I have seen from the ever stupid and destructive laws and proposals made by the Regressive Conservatives. What brutal era are we now living in. This is an abomination! As is Doug Ford. God help us.

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I STRONGLY oppose the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses, and the transfer of existing licenses, for inhumane dog train and trial areas in Ontario. Read more

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Is animal cruelty why Doug Ford, through multiple elections, wants cheaper liquor more widely available? This is not stewardship of natural resources, nor anything approaching animal welfare. Read more

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This is animal cruelty. Wildlife should not have to live their lives in a cage, being constantly frightened and followed for the purpose of sport. I am not against hunting or fishing in general, and I am still against this bill. Read more

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Please don’t regress our country into inhumane practices such as these. This is atrocious and shocking that the government would consider this allowance. Living beings feel terror and pain, and there is no justification for this proposal. Please do not allow this.

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Animals are not toys to be played with nor are they tools for training. There are so many alternative training techniques that don't involve tormenting and traumatizing a helpless, living, breathing creature. The fact that anyone could think this is okay is frankly horrifying.

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This is disgusting and another step backwards in animal welfare. Another way for those who mistreat animals to use and abuse them. Trapping them and containing them is unnecessary and inhumane torture

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I'm ashamed and disgusted that this would ever be considered in Ontario, Canada, in 2023. It should have never been licensed originally in 1997. How Sad we are as People. We all should be Ashamed. Absolute a No to this proposal.

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These animals that would be hunted by dogs and their people would suffer to greatly. Imagine if it was your small dog, your cat, unable to leave the confines of these places, being chased and hunted down. What a horrible thing to go through.