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Humane hunting and slaughter is one thing, but the barbaric slaughter of trapped wildlife to satisfy the bloodlust of a few misguided individuals is beyond tolerable. This is a practise more suitable to the Dark Ages, not the 21st century in a civilized society. Read more

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This is barbaric and going backwards. It's 2023. This is not the 1600's when newcomers were settling in North America and needed to track down food. We have something called a supermarket now. Read more

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All the government does is destroy. LEAVE THE ANIMALS ALONE. Our country isn’t poor. We don’t need to rely on hunting. And those who do need to hunt to eat… maybe we should think about annexing them from society.

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Understand the purpose of these faculties but how is controlled hunting of a captive animal ethical? Regardless of population size, those in captivity are subjected regular hunting. Can decoys not be used for training purposes vs live bait?

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I am shocked that in the 21st century the Ont govt is sanctioning this barbaric practice. For all the reasons outlined in the attached article, I strongly request that licensing of penned dog hunting be abandoned and furthermore that it becomes illegal. Read more

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This is inhumane. No animal should be held in captivity and hunted there. Adding fake burrows and hide-holes so that an animal can exist to flee for its lige solely to be tortured and live in a stste of CONSTANT stresa, anxiety and duress is despicable.

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This is abhorrent. In no way should this proposal move forward. It is cruel and inhumane. There is no need for this type of horrific training method. I am absolutely against this proposal.

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This is disgusting and wrong. Cruel to both dogs and wildlife, not to mention dangerous to people when the dogs get near residential areas. Do not pass this change. We are better than this.

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Please do not approve this cowardice cruel, appalling, disgusting and inhumane capturing of animals to keep caged to treatment dogs for hunting! How could any human being be capable of such monstrosity! That is absolutely sick and not well adjusted way of thinking! Read more

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Dear Sir/Madam, I oppose the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of existing licenses for dog train-and-trial areas in Ontario. Read more

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Please reconsider the renewal of these licenses that allow for “dog training areas”. The trapping of wildlife for such purposes is not required for dog training, and unnecessarily cruel.

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This is a practice which should not be allowed. Completely inhumane to cage wildlife in what would be substandard conditions knowing how Canadian hunters operate. This is barbaric and Canada should be doing better to protect their native animals. Read more

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As a licensed CKC field trial judge I am thrilled with these proposals to the train and trial areas. This will provide safe and controlled areas to to help ensure our sport is enjoyed and passed on for future generations.