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No. It is cruel and necessary to pen wild animals so that other animals can be trained to assist hunters in carrying out their cruel and unnecessary pass time. Very few people truly need to hunt for food. This program is designed to make money through licenses. It is abhorrent.

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Please do not allow the licensing of more dog training and trial centres. Out wildlife populations are now threatened and need to be protected. The hunting of wildlife for pleasure should not be condoned by any society.

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Why? This is inhumane! If hunters want to hunt they have a license to do so. However, holding wildlife hostage to train dogs is unnecessary. Who will be accountable for these dogs that are trained to search and kill? Read more

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I am appalled that the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s is proposing to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for train and trial areas in Ontario. This is incredibly cruel, unethical, and unnecessary. Read more

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Hi, I'm shocked Ontario has such a cruel system for training dogs. I firmly reject the MNR' and Forestry's proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for train and trial areas in Ontario. Read more

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This is a cruel and inhumane practice that should not be expanded. Other places are reducing archaic animal ‘sports’ such a fox hunting, why even consider reverting back to this awful practice. Read more

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I don't understand why this cruelty to animals is still allowed! The stress the captive animals undergo is unimaginable. The hunting dogs don't have much of a life either, most chained or kenneled other than during hunting season. Read more

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Is the Ontario Government lost their minds. Why would you want to do something so barbaric and hurt these lovely animals. One hunting them to a slow and painful death is totally unreasonable. Second the dogs trained for this purpose are usually abused and beaten until they get it right. Read more

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Hello, I just learned of your proposal to amend the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act to allow new licenses for dog train and trial areas, also known as penned dog hunting facilities. I am completely shocked and sickened to learn that such a proposal was made. Read more

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Hello, I just learned of your proposal to amend the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act to allow new licenses for dog train and trial areas, also known as penned dog hunting facilities. I am completely shocked and sickened to learn that such a proposal was made. Read more

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I firmly reject the proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for train and trial areas in Ontario. Penned dog hunting facilities are cruel to the wild animals that are subjected to various methods used to train dogs to hunt. Read more

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This action to license more hunting pens is inhumane, unethical and downright evil. Wild animals with the same sensitivity as us humans are subjected to cruelty, abuse and suffering. How can we consider ourselves civilized when we do this to animals who are helpless against us.