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This sickens me!!! Capturing wildlife, and putting rabbits in pens to “train” dogs ? Animal cruelty personified. Sounds like a dog fighting ring, where other animals get torn apart. Shame on the government. Instead of improving welfare for animals, they sink even lower. Read more

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I am strongly opposing amendments to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act to allow new licenses for facilities that use captive foxes, coyotes and rabbits as bait to train hunting dogs. Read more

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This should not be allowed. We had pet rabbits and they have personalities like a cat or dog. They show affection and can be trained. It is not ethical to allow the purchasing of rabbits to be hunted. It’s as bad as using rabbits for testing. Read more

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Why would we willfully allow the trapping and enclosing of species with the specific intent to allow them to be in a fearful environment - one where they are pursued on a regular basis by animals they would not encounter regularly in their normal wild existence? Read more

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What is the point of creating a situation for extreme animal cruelty? The Ontario government is looking at a barbaric practice to satisfy a fringe group of wealthy or sadistic people. Read more

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Shocking and disappointing to think that this is even being considered!! I can only hope that such a barbaric proposal will not go through. Training dogs to kill for sport is cruel. What are you thinking Ontario!!!

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I firmly reject the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for train and trial areas in Ontario. Penned dog hunting facilities are cruel to the wild animals that are subjected to various methods used to train dogs to hunt. Read more

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Absolute stupidity. Dogs won’t stand a chance against coyotes. The coyotes will attack the dogs quicker and more gruesome than the dogs will attack the coyotes. ONE OF THE BIGGEST AND STUPIDEST MISTAKES FORD GOVERNMENT HAS EVER MADE. THIS IS BACKFIRE AGAINST THEM ROYALLY! Read more

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This is horrible. The cruelty and aggression never ends with this government. Baiting with animals to cull other animals is disgusting. Training aggression into any domesticated creature will only lead to someone or a pet being seriously injured or killed. Read more

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This proposal is backward thinking. It is barbaric and cruel. This government has done nothing to show it has reverence for living things or living greenspaces. It consistently supports the opposite. Read more

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It beggars belief that this has to be said, but no, I, and no other sensible person, supports killing animals for sport, or training animals that, to children, look like pets, to do that killing.