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I adamantly reject this proposal for several reasons, with the inhumane treatment of captive animals as the principal concern. It certainly becomes more reprehensible that this would be used for competitions that serve as HUMAN entertainment. Read more

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Allowing live wild animals as bait in canned hunts / penned areas for dogs to train is a disturbing development in conservation and stewardship. There is no good reason to allow domestic dogs to hunt, hurt, and kill wolf animals in confined spaces. Read more

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I see absolutely no need for these facilities to exist. The practices currently being employed are unnecessarily cruel to wildlife. Wildlife are not our property and therefore we as humans have no place in capturing them, detaining them or harming them in any way. Read more

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I strongly oppose the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses, and the transfer of existing licenses, for dog-training and trial areas in Ontario. Read more

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Capturing wildlife is a cruel activity that should only be done when absolutely necessary. Dog hunting and trialling are not at all necessary, and so wildlife should not be subjected to captivity in order to support it. Read more

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Isn't it time to start showing care for animals? Please don't allow new facilities and please allow the old ones to die out. Animal cruelty such as this has no place in this country. JUST STOP IT!

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I am disgusted by this ammendment. So much for thinking that we are a civilized animal loving country. The fact that this is currently allowed, and the government is looking to expand the number of licences is abhorrent. STOP THIS MADNESS PLEASE! Read more

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This is simply a barbaric proposal!!! I can’t believe the cruelty in even contemplating it. All animals deserve the right to life! How can you live with yourselves considering anything this inhumane?!?!

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It’s cruel and wrong to keep penned wild animals for the purpose of training hunting dogs. There is nothing different from this to other disgusting human activities like bull fighting or dog fights. I can’t believe this is even being considered in this day and age.

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I think the Act should remain unchanged. Keeping wildlife in pens for the purpose of training hunting dogs sounds horrific. It’s cruel and unnecessary as training can be done in the wild where at least wildlife have a chance.