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These facilities are cruel and archaic and should not be allowed in Ontario. Please do not allow these training pens and close the existing ones down. Training dogs to attack small animals is dangerous for domestic animals like small dogs, cats and small children. I say leave the wildlife alone.

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Please stop these horrific acts against wildlife. Their lives matter too!! To think they they are disposable is barbaric!! It’s 2023 and our government needs to start bringing in rules that protect all of us including wildlife who play a huge role in our ecosystem. Read more

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These facilities are a cruel example of the abuse of wildlife. The existing 24 facilities should be closed immediately and new facilities should certainly not be allowed to open/expand. It is the government's job to protect wildlife and prevent animal cruelty. Read more

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This is not something I want in my province. Inhumane practices that cause suffering and pain to wild animals have no place in today’s society. Allowing more facilities does not make sense when the existing facilities should be phased out.

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These cruel practices to our Wildlife should not be allowed this is barbaric behavior this is not the way mankind should be treating other living beings not only is it cruel behavior to our Wildlife but this is also disrespect to our domestic animals to show them how to kill and how destroy another Read more

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Instead of opening new applications, the province’s existing 24 facilities need to be closed immediately. Hunting is already cruel enough without adding penned animals that don't stand a chance.

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I firmly reject the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for train and trial areas in Ontario. Penned dog hunting facilities are cruel to the wild animals that are subjected to various methods used to train dogs to hunt. Read more

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This is another disaster waiting to happen! Please give a thought to the wildlife already trying to survive in-spite of human interference. Imagine raising your young with the fear of having a hunting dog tear them to shreds…maybe they are moral humans, but unfortunately I haven’t run into many. Read more

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This is barbaric and absolutely disgusting. Why are we going back to the days where wildlife was indiscriminately killed for human pleasure or monetary rewards. Stop this. I vehemently disagree with this proposal.

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Please immediately stop the practice of allowing dogs to chase and attack caged rabbits, hares, foxes, coyotes, and other wildlife. The trapping of animals and the breeding of animals for canned hunts and other blood sports is cruel beyond belief. This is not hunting. Read more

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I firmly reject the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for train and trial areas in Ontario. Penned dog hunting facilities are cruel to the wild animals that are subjected to various methods used to train dogs to hunt. Read more

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Please ban the practice of canned hunts. Please immediately stop the practice of allowing dogs to chase and attack caged rabbits, hares, foxes, coyotes, and other wildlife. The trapping of animals and the breeding of animals for canned hunts and other blood sports is cruel beyond belief. Read more

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This is an incredibly horrific and jaw-dropping proposal! I am stunned at the depths people will stoop to in order to sate the bloodlust of a minority! Ministry of "Unnatural" resources void of any morality and ethics!! Read more

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I firmly reject the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for train and trial areas in Ontario. Penned dog hunting facilities are cruel to the wild animals that are subjected to various methods used to train dogs to hunt. Read more