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I do not believe it is necessary to increase the number of these facilities. It just opens it up to a sport instead of a "need". What credentials / rules and regulations would the owners have to keep the dogs safe and not just use it as a sport and torture wild animals Read more

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I am asking that Ontario upholds its ban on penned dog hunting. Penned hunting is a cruel practice for the captive prey. Regardless of any pods or shelters that are put in place, the fair chase practice that occurs with regular hunting activities is removed. Read more

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This practise is disgusting! You would think we humans would be beyond the barbarian stage by now, but no , this kind of thing co tines. I'm totally against this practise. It needs to go in the opposite direction. It should be banned!

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In this day and age it’s ridiculous that this is even being considered!!!! It is a cruel and unnecessary practice that doesn’t need to happen! I guess I was naive thinking this sort of caged hunting only existed in Africa. Please do not pass a law allowing this disgusting practice to be legal !

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It is barbaric and heinous cruelty to use an innocent animal such as coyotes, foxes or rabbits as bait to be torn apart by dogs in a penned cage. Whoever thought of this sick idea is a psycho and needs help. What is the matter with you people? Read more

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I was completely shocked and horrified to see that the government of Ontario is considering a plan to reverse the province-wide ban on new "train and trial areas" where hunters participate in the bloodsport of penned dog hunting. Read more

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It's 2023. This proposal is archaic and ridiculous. Perhaps whoever put this proposal through should be kept in cages and used for hunting training. Ridiculous idea, right? So why is this idea to capture wild animals and use them even being considered?

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The trapping of animals to provide hunters with live bait us barbarically and completely unacceptable to me. Surely in these days of advanced learning we can find a means of training animals without causing pain and anguish to other species.

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I firmly reject the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for train and trial areas in Ontario. Penned dog hunting facilities are cruel to the wild animals that are subjected to various methods used to train dogs to hunt. Read more

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I'm disgusted by this proposal, the idea of using captive rabbits to train hunting dogs, who will presumably injure and/or kill the rabbits. Just another case of the Ford government pandering to the extreme right wing anti gun control and associated activities weirdos in the province!

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Without prejudice. I find this practice a form of extreme cruelty, a continuation of man’s dominance over nature, to be used and abused. The fact that an animals population is abundant is an unethical justification to have it terrorized and inhumanely killed. Read more

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In penned dog hunting, terrified foxes, coyotes, and rabbits run for their lives, but have nowhere to escape to. When caught, they're are often viciously killed by dogs who are trained to rip them apart, piece by piece. The dogs forced to participate can also suffer from injuries and death. Read more

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This is disgusting and barbaric! We don't live in ancient Rome and Ontario is not a coliseum! How could anyone support this cruel practice! Yet another cruel and inhumane policy by the Ford government!

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So this government has come upon yet another way to turn the clock back! Dog training and trial facilities are cruel to wild animals and have no place in today's society. That was the conclusion 25 years ago and a really soft phase-out period was agreed upon. Read more

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Please stop the barbaric practices of canned hunting. Training any animal to kill is total cruelty never mind the victims - try and think of someone other than yourself and whatever benefit you receive from this abhorrent, immoral moneymaking venture. Premier Ford you should be ashamed of yourself.

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I understand the need to train hunting dogs but the capture and use of an animal as bait in a situation where it can't escape is not only a poor simulation but crosses the lines in to cutely. I'm all for hunting but this goes beyond. How many wild animals will be used? Will it be regulated? Read more

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I understand the need to train hunting dogs but the capture and use of an animal as bait in a situation where it can't escape is not only a poor simulation but crosses the lines in to cutely. I'm all for hunting but this goes beyond. How many wild animals will be used? Will it be regulated? Read more