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It would be ridiculously stupid for the government to even touch the green belt. They already see how messed up our world is and to touch that would ruin the habitat of many animals and ruin our quality of life. Such as ruining the air we breathe, the water we drink. Read more

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The Greenbelt was protected for a reason. Look back on the reasons for protecting it. Don't lose sight of the bigger picture to make more money for large conglomerates. There has to be other solutions that are being ignored because they wouldn't bring in as much profit. DON'T BE GREEDY!! Read more

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I do not agree with developing the Greenbelt. This is protected land that provides flood protection and a local food source to Ontarians. If we start developing parcels of the Greenbelt now, what's to stop this government from developing the entire thing in a few years? Read more

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This initiative is corrupt and greedy. Ford only cares for this well-being and of his investors. Do not destroy the greenbelt so that the rich can become richer. It baffles me that the corrupt prefer money over the love of their people and country. Read more

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We don’t want the green belt to be developed! Doug ford claimed he wouldn’t, and is now going back on his promises as he has done countless times before. He is repeatedly putting our tax dollars towards things we actively done want! Read more

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These changes are intended to resolve the current criitical shortage of affordable and attainable housing that is provincewide, but does it require these developments to be high density, and attainable according to a definition that will target those families and individuals who currently are priced Read more

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Another solution should be sought to resolve the housing shortage. Opening protected lands will have far reaching consequences that we may not see immediately but we will definitely experience in the future. Preserving green spaces is incredibly important. Read more