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Leave the Greenbelt alone. These mass housing developments of large homes and little to no green space is no help to climate change. We need green space we need space for nature and clean air. Rather that n open up to these mass builds where is the smart planning. Read more

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Ontario has already developed more than enough of our natural lands and there is no reason whatsoever to continue urban sprawl. The housing crisis will NOT be solved by building more single family homes in subdivisions that are not affordable in the slightest. Read more

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We absolutely do not need more houses. We have so many empty houses, old buildings, old parking lots, old strip malls. Use up that space and leave the green belt alone. Stop letting rich business' BUY their way into politics. Why is this even a discussion? Do not build on the green belt.

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The destruction of existing ecosystems and the possible extinction of protected wildlife for the development of more subdivisions and mansions is ludicrous. Any development that would be proposed for this area will be at the expense of future generations and the environment. Read more

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Please preserve the green belt in its entirety. It has meant so much to me, to have this vital green space to grow and play, and beautiful farmland to visit and access fresh produce from. Housing is vital infrastructure, so let’s support urban development and not sprawl. Read more