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My concern relates to the long term consequences of buildings on land that has potential for flooding and/or contributes to future flooding. Flooding is recognized by international organizations that flooding is the biggest emerging threat to people and property from climate disasters. Read more

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Ontarians truly care about the protection of the Greenbelt. All this is, is the rich getting richer. Not only that, it is a conflict of interest for Ford to have dealings with these powerful developers and they obviously knew before the rest of the Province what was happening. Read more

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what makes you think that adding to the green belt while releasing portions of it (that were already promised to never be developed) will earn trust? If you can take it now and go back on promises what stops it from happening again and again?! Stop with the BS. Read more

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It would be a mistake to re-open development in this area. The greenbelt is critical in protecting our groundwater resources, as well as ensuring that we have strategic development plans in place that lead to better connected communities. This is both an economic and environmental mistake.

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The government needs to substantiate it's claims that this housing development will provide affordable housing (for new immigrants, or anybody else). If the government is reducing the cost to developers, it does not necessarily mean those cost savings will be passed on to consumers. Read more

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This plan is directly contrary to the platform the current governing party campaigned on. Furthermore, there is clear evidence of corruption in the bidding and awarding process. A full investigation of the government is needed and demanded by the voting public.

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The loss of the Greenbelt is a loss of habitats forever. There is no thoughtful plan to do anything but cover land with cheap houses. There has to be a plan for sustainability of habitats and a decoupling of economic benefits to known land grabbers who donated lots of money to the PC party. Read more

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You said you were not going to build on the greenbelt. Don't go back on your word. Building on these important farm lands would cause irreparable harm to the environment including compromising our drinking water. Please leave these farm lands alone. Read more

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Stop urbanization on farmland and environmentally sensitive land Ontario. The Greenbelt is a result of years of consultation and advice by experts. How can unqualified elected representatives decide to build and pave over land without proper expert consultation. Read more