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I support farmers and the Ontario Federation of Farmers to reject Bill 97. I support environmentalists who reject Bill 97’s erosion of Greenbelt and Conservation lands protection. The government is right to think about this issue. Read more

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The proposal has inadequate protection for farmland. While the housing crisis is a significant problem, the food crisis that we will eventually encounter as a result of disappearing farmland (complicated by issues associated with climate change) is going to be orders of magnitude worse. Read more

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NO NO NO! Canada may need more housing (for low and middle-income families), but it needs its farmland more. Without it more and more of our food becomes imported. We then become dependent on countries who recognize the value of food production. Control the food supply and you control a people. Read more

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As a rural home owner I believe this is a mistake. I moved to the country to get away from city noise. I never thought of the rural discomforts. Now I am constantly getting the smell of the country. Manure odor travels for kilometers. Every spring summer and fall is a 'crap' shoot. Read more

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The continued reduction of viable farm land should be a critical issue for all residents of Ontario. Housing is nice to have but food is essential and it can't be grown in many areas of Ontario. I live in a rural area and the increase in housing is in my backyard. Read more

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Stop bill 97 I am horrified by the erosion of our food producing lands. New subdivisions in Holland Marsh are criminal; please stop this foolish support of the rape and pillage of our food. In this day and climate, shipping food is exacerbating climate change. Read more

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I don’t understand why the Province of Ontario continues to build new homes on prime farmland. I live in an urban area in the GTHA, and there are so many empty buildings that are an eye sore, and should be torn down and replaced with new homes (this could include high rises). Read more

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To whom it may concern, Ontario is home to some of the best farmland in the world. Collectively, we are facing a food crisis where Ontario residents need good quality, nutritious food delivered in a sustainable way. This can only be achieved my preserving farm land surrounding our cities. Read more

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I thought we were concerned about climate change , building in rural areas will increase distances people will have to travel in order to do everything from work , to shop , and schooling . Read more

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This is absurd. We need to protect our ability to produce food, not line the pockets of developers for a one time cash grab. We are destroying our province's future. Intensify housing in areas that are already zoned for that if we need more housing!

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I live in Windsor, Ontario. No, no, no. This is not what is good for this country. We will need all the farmland we can save. Find another way to provide housing. This isn’t the right way.

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It is about time someone is listening. 40 years ago I purchased 2.81 acres of land and built my house off to one side so that in the future I could sever another building lot. Well the future came and so did the Green Belt and that put a stop to my severance. Read more

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I live across from a current urban development project on what was a large farm property. I do not object to transitioning old, non-productive farmlands to other uses that should include a return to natural growth rejuvenation areas as well as urban development. Read more

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As a resident of Ottawa, Ontario I am diametrically opposed to Bill 97 & Bill 23. Our Provincial Gov’t, & Premier Doug Ford, say they care about the environment and accessible housing. These Bill’s do not accomplish that. They are a money grab for the developers and are cookie cutter architect. Read more

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Future housing for all municipalities, including large, fast growing municipalities should not be built on Grade A or even B farmland in order to preserve food production. Shrinking farmland for a growing population is a foolish, short sighted approach. Read more

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I oppose this bill. We need to learn to grow our population vertically not horizontally. We need to stop the urban sprawl. Stop buying prime farm land and bush lots and allow our cities to build taller buildings to house more people. Read more

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We ( my wife and I) agree 100% with the proposal to allow farmers to have up it three lots allowed on their property which will definitely help the housing crisis in Ontario. We do not see this as a deterrent to current agricultural practices.

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Stop urban sprawl waste. Protect our farmland and natural spaces; they provide more value than you realize. Land is already available within cities to meet housing needs with high density, low rise builds. Read more