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With respect to the Ontario government's plan to provide more housing, I have the following concerns: 1. Housing planning for municipalities was done without consultation with municipalities and in many cases over rode the current planning already completed by the municipality. Read more

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I am not on favour of the proposal to allow farms to be subdivided for residential development. This would reduce the amount of farmland available to produce food for domestic and international markets. It would also create more conflicts between homeowners and farners. Read more

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Dear Sir/Madam I am concerned that any encroachment on or reduction of agricultural land is extremely shortsighted given future needs for food security that will override any other concerns as large agricultural areas to the south of us become barren due to drought or water scarcity. Read more

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It would be a huge mistake to take away farmland as well as lands designated for Greenbelt in order to build homes. Cities like Hamilton have a large amount of empty/ closed buildings that could be used. The infrastructure is already there. Read more

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This is a disaster proposal. What we need in Ontario is DENSER CITIES. With the exception of a few truly important heritage buildings Ontario needs to grow UP not OUT. Read more

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This government has rushed this bill without adequate time for public consultation. I strongly support extending more time to review the impact this bill with have on the environment and farm lands.

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I do not believe this bill should pass as it would endanger important agricultural land and present increased health safety risks for any new housing development near farms. Read more

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This is allowing sprawling development when it needs to be densified. Additional housing on farmland may initially be used for family members but it is eventually sold off to someone not in the family and then all the problems with noise and manure smells become an issue for the farmers. Read more

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I do not believe this bill is acceptable. We are losing 391 acres of good farmland in Canada on a daily basis. Where do you think our food is going to come from if you continually destroy prime farm land. Read more

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I do NOT support ERO 019-6813. How will we continue to feed our province, our country, our world if we take farmland to house people in the huge homes they think they need!

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I live in Downtown Toronto, and even I am deeply concerned with these policies regarding Ontario's farmland. With climate change already threatening the future of global and local food supplies, Ontario needs to ensure the protection of our arable land. Read more

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I find it hard to put into words how vehemently opposed I am to this proposal. The farmland, wetlands and forests of Ontario have been long ago designated as protected. Read more

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I disagree with the government’s plan to build homes on farmland. We need to protect farms. The government will need to find alternative options rather than break large farms into smaller farms and building homes on farmland that our province desperately needs.

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Once again this government is so out of touch. You won’t be happy until every plot of land is built on while you receive kickbacks from home builders like Mattamy. Read more

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Please stop reducing the available farmland. Build up not out. There is already not enough land fir wildlife and you want to take away more? Please kill this bill. It is not good for Ontario and just creates more problems.