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Ontario does not need more urban sprawl, loss of farmland, destruction of wetlands or ecologically-sensitive areas. Please follow experts who have said that there is sufficient area for development within existing urban boundaries. Read more

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I appreciate the editing that contributes to a more comprehensible document and share the following recommendations. 1. Please retain an intensification-first, efficient, environmentally-sensitive approach to planning. Specifically: Read more

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I am absolutely opposed to this. I am ashamed to say that I am living in a province which has such a blatant disregard for protected green space and the environment. At what point do we say enough is enough? When forest fires make it dangerous to go outside and breath? Read more

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A significant number of rural farm owners support farm residential lot severances. Rural lot severances on marginal farmland have the ability to increase Ontario’s housing supply without large grants or subsidies from taxpayers from any level of government. Read more

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This development is irresponsible! Why would you ever build houses near a steal plant? Stelco was put in the middle of NOWHERE for a reason! Have you ever been to Nanticoke in the winter? The snow turns grey because of the soot that comes from the refinery! Read more

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I live in north Durham with my family and 3 girls. We would like to be able to subdivide our property into 2 acre parcels to build houses for our extended family and have them own the houses and property. This makes housing much more affordable and allows families to stay together. Read more

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The fact that OFA is pushing against dividing rural properties seems extremely unfair. Rural properties should be allowed to divide and if farmers do not want to subdivide land then they shouldnt. Read more

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The Corporation of Norfolk County

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Norfolk County Council appreciates the opportunity to provide comments in respect of the review of proposed policies adapted from A Place to Grow and Provincial Policy Statement to form a new provincial planning policy instrument. Council is very Read more

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Please accept my comments on the proposed changes to the Provincial Policy Statement, and the Places to Grow policies. See attached Word document Read more

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Hello, I bring this comment/concern forward regarding the housing crisis in Ontario for people with developmental disabilities and the discriminatory barriers in the PPS 2020/ and proposed PPS 2023 that contribute to the housing crisis. Discrimination in PPS: Read more

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Your document is too long and its lack of transparency, and your egregious lack of notification to the public should not have been allowed at all. The document obviously favours development over all other considerations. Read more

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We have farmed 100 acres in the Township of Blandford – Blenheim, County of Oxford for over 45 years. We have seen many changes to the rural landscape during that time. We support updating the Provincial Policy Statement in regards Agricultural land use and limited non-farm development. Read more

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County of Dufferin

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This letter addresses the proposed changes to the Provincial Policy Statement from the perspective of the County of Dufferin. The County of Dufferin supports increasing the supply of housing to accommodate the growing population, bolster economic growth, and improve housing affordability. Read more

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City of Markham

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At its July 27, 2023 Special Council meeting, Markham Council considered the proposed natural heritage policies for the Provincial Planning Statement. Markham Council previously provided comments on the balance of the proposed Provincial Planning Statement. Read more