MacLeod Provincial Park management planning process

ERO number
Notice type
Posted by
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Transferred to
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Notice stage
Proposal Updated
Proposal posted
Comment period
April 4, 2018 - May 22, 2018 (48 days) Closed
Last updated

Update Announcement

This proposal notice has been updated on August 19, 2024, to advise the public that this file is still under active review. The ministry is reviewing the comments it has received to date. The original proposal date and comment period have not been altered.

This consultation was open from:

April 4, 2018
to May 22, 2018

Proposal summary

We are developing a plan to protect MacLeod Provincial Park's natural and cultural heritage. The plan will guide the use, development, management and operation of the park for a 20-year period.

Proposal details

Description of policy

MacLeod Provincial Park (P2666) is a 74 hectare recreational class park located in the geographic township of Ashmore in the Municipality of Greenstone. It is approximately 10 km east of Geraldton and 25 km west of Longlac, bounded to the north by Highway 11 and to the south by Kenogamisis Lake.

Recreational use of the area is long standing. MacLeod Provincial Park’s proximity to Geraldton and Longlac results in the park receiving relatively large numbers of visitors, and intense levels of use due to day use, seasonal camping and special events.

Approximately half of the park (38 of 72 hectares) has been developed as campground (comfort station, day use areas, campsites, roads, etc.). The park has 120 campsites of which 28 have electrical service. There is also a group camping area.

A management plan for MacLeod Provincial Park was completed in 1987. In March 2000, the management plan was amended to allow for the establishment of 25 new electrical campsites and 20 new non-electrical campsites, a playground development and portable band stage. A minor change to the park zoning was made to accommodate this development.

Purpose of policy

To protect MacLeod Provincial Park’s natural and cultural heritage, and guide its use, development, management and operation for a 20-year period.

Other information

The link provides additional information on the management planning process.

All comments will be considered as part of the decision-making by the Ministry if they:

  1. are submitted in writing;
  2. reference the Environmental Registry number ; and
  3. are received by the Contact person within the specified comment period.

Please Note: No acknowledgment or individual response will be provided to those who comment. All comments and submissions received will become part of the public record

Other public consultation opportunities

Responses received will be used to develop a mailing list of individuals, groups and businesses who wish to be involved in the management plan review process.

Direct mailing to a mandatory contact list will ensure that provincial stakeholders and government organizations will be included in the process. Advertisements will be placed in regional print media, and copies of all public notices will be placed on the Ontario Parks website.

Paid advertisements will be placed in regional print media and public notices will be mailed to agencies, groups or individuals on the project mailing list.

The following are the opportunities for the public and Aboriginal communities to participate in the planning process (dates beyond Stage One are tentative):

Stage One - Invitation to participate, invitation to inspect approved terms of reference and opportunity to review background information file (May 2, 2011 - June 16, 2011)

Stage Two - Opportunity to review preliminary park management plan (2018)

Stage Three - Release of approved park management plan (2018)

Supporting materials

View materials in person

Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.

Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.


Commenting is now closed.

The comment period was from April 4, 2018
to May 22, 2018

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