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We are part of a species too. And giving unfettered priority to business will eventually also be to the detriment of our species. Short term gain for the few should not be at the cost of the many nor at cost of future generations. Read more

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I think it is important that areas needed by species at risk have some clearly defined no-go zones. Potentially, they could be time limited no-go zones, with provisions to recheck the situation in 10-20 years for example. Read more

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We need to protect our Canadian wildlife, AND all the various habitats they need to live and thrive in. They are helpless to defend themselves, and so need strong protection to prevent certain species from extinction, they need protected areas that are clean, safe and away from HARM. Read more

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The government must not forget their own words, “Protecting and recovering our province’s species at risk is part of the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks’ made-in-Ontario environment plan”. Economic development must not come before protection. Read more

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Yes. We need to actually do something to save the animals in order to save humanity. The liberal government is not doing enough. The Ontario PC government led by Ford is pathetic on environmental concerns. Ford is a terrible person. He's the reason I'll never vote PC again. Read more

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Reviewing the Ontario's Endangered Species Act is a great opportunity for wildlife, future generations, human prosperity and protecting biodiversity - but "creating efficiencies for business" will unlikely contribute to any of these. Read more

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So much of our wild culture in this province is being eroded by agribusiness and other exploiting of "natural resources". It's time to make wiser use of the renewable resources we already have - and begin to treat remain wild preserves as strictly that - preserves. RMB

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We need to makes changes to the Endangered Species Act that will help the species become more protected and ensure their survival at an increasing rate. This review needs to ensure the animals protection over that of industry and business. Read more

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I am very concerned that the environment for endangered species is worsening world wide but near to home in southern Ontario. Because of our local climate we have some unique species in this area which many people have worked hard to protect. Read more

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There must be no exemptions to the Endangered Species Act. Once these species are extinct, they are gone forever. Our planet and its human-sustaining environment exists only because of a delicate balance. Humans upset it at their peril.

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There are already too many species at risk in Ontario, and worldwide. We need to protect these species by protecting their habitats. We need to continue to restore habitats that have been damaged by human intervention and save habitats from further damage. Read more

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Please protect our endangered species, profit isn’t everything, when the animals are gone we won’t be far behind. They need a place to live just like we do. Make changes to the endangered species act that will actually improve their recovery’.

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Changes to the Endangered Species Act should improve protections, not dismantle them. This review won’t help species at risk if it doesn’t address exemptions that make it too easy for business and industry to do even more harm to critical habitat. Read more