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Continuing a Bear Hunt does not limit human/Bear interaction. Providing Bear Resistant Trash disposal and educating people does. A Bear’s first line of defense is retreat and it is more by providing food sources such as baiting that will bring them into close contact with humans. Read more

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Please do not pass legislation to allow the bear hunt- we need to protect our wildlife, not allow it to be decimated by people who like to kill animals. Think of the baby bears that will starve because their mothers have been killed. This is barbaric, and should not be allowed. Read more

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please dont let this law come into affect. the lives of these animals matter more than some narcissist needing to prove their worth by obtaining a trophy. If you believe in karma there might be a chance that these Hunters come back as bears, the repetitive cycle of abuse and harm can stop now.

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I fully support the full reinstatement of the spring bear hunt. This makes sense in relation to bear management and at the same time generating great economic value. This will also help with the decline in moose populations. I would like to see outfitter tag quotas also raised for non residents.

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I urge Ontario legislators to COMPLETELY CANCEL the Spring Bear Hunt! And not expand the pilot project instituted by previous Liberal governments. Please, do not follow the misguided plan laid out by previous governments led by another party. Read more

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As a citizen of Ontario I am apalled that this spring bear hunt is even being considered! There is no way to guarantee that baby bears will not be left behind as orphans to either starve or fall prey to other predators! This is not only irresponsible but incredibly CRUEL! Read more

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This is an extremely irresponsible and unnecessary activity to bring back. By allowing the spring bear hunt, you’ll knowingly be leaving cubs orphaned by allowing people in Ontario to kill mother bears. All of this for the sake of a “trophy”. Read more