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It is too destructive, to allow the hunt of any animal (vertebrate animal, especially mammal) during the season of the species' birthing and raising of its young. The risk of killing a mother -- however unintentionally -- during that season is simply too great. Read more

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Dear Mr Ford, I am writing this comment because I strongly believe that many bear Cubs will be left orphaned and would definitely be left to starve to death! I have read many hunters say they can tell the difference between a male and a female with Cubs! Read more

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The spring bear hunt should not be re-introduced. Hunters are not skilled enough to humanely kill animals. In veterinary medicine, we have researched effective and humane methods of euthanizing various species of animals so that it is quick and painless (i.e., humane). Read more

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I am totally against this attempt to reinstate such a cruel and pointless hunt. There is no reason for fact it is primarily a trophy hunt, which is always immoral. Why does the Ford government support killing Ontario wildlife under these circumstances? Read more

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As a resident of Ontario and a citizen of Canada I deeply oppose the hunting of innocent animals. Furthermore, I strongly oppose any concept of making a spring hunt permanent. These hunts, if they are to take place, need to be reviewed regularly and based on our best science.

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Northwestern Ontario Sportsmen's Alliance

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On behalf of the Northwestern Ontario Sportsmen's Alliance(NOSA), a 5000 plus member hunting, fishing, trapping and conservation advocacy group; I wish to extend our organization's full support for the measures recommended in this proposal. Read more