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I urge Ontario legislators to cancel the Spring Bear Hunt completely, and to not expand the pilot project instituted by previous Liberal governments. Please, do not follow the misguided plan laid out by previous governments led by another party. Read more

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I urge Ontario legislators to cancel the Spring Bear Hunt completely, and to not expand the pilot project instituted by previous Liberal governments. Please, do not follow the misguided plan laid out by previous governments led by another party. Read more

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I urge Ontario legislators to cancel the Spring Bear Hunt completely, and to not expand the pilot project instituted by previous Liberal governments. Please, do not follow the misguided plan laid out by previous governments led by another party. Read more

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There is enough needless death in the animal world without adding more. PLEASE stop the killing of beautiful bears. Will you stupid sadistic murderers be happy when you've rid the world of all the animals? They have as much right to life, and to a peaceful life, as you. Read more

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I urge Ontario legislators to cancel the Spring Bear Hunt completely, and to not expand the pilot project instituted by previous Liberal governments. Please, do not follow the misguided plan laid out by previous governments led by another party. Read more

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I urge Ontario legislators to cancel the Spring Bear Hunt completely, and to not expand the pilot project instituted by previous Liberal governments. Please, do not follow the misguided plan laid out by previous governments led by another party. Read more

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I urge Ontario legislators to cancel the Spring Bear Hunt completely, and to not expand the pilot project instituted by previous Liberal governments. Please, do not follow the misguided plan laid out by previous governments led by another party. Read more

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I urge Ontario legislators to cancel the Spring Bear Hunt completely, and to not expand the pilot project instituted by previous Liberal governments. Please, do not follow the misguided plan laid out by previous governments led by another party. Read more

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Please cancel the spring bear hunt. I do not understand why people search out innocent animals just to kill them. Mother bears have their cubs in the spring don't they. Better shoot their mother? Haven't these "hunters" something better to do?🐒

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I urge Ontario Progressive Conservative Party legislators to follow the example provided by former Premier Mike Harris and Minister John Snobelen, when they courageously resisted pressure from hunting lobbyists, a group that does not represent the majority of Ontarians. Read more

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Please do not approve bear spring hunting, stop killing wildlife, Stop killing defenseless wildlife for pleasure and profit. It's disgusting what government is doing , handing licence to kill inocente animals just to get votes from hunters , and make money , SHAME SHAME SHAME. Read more

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I don't see why it's so hard for us to live peacefully with wildlife. Why do we seek to kill wildlife when they do nothing to us, and even if they come to our backyards to look through garbage, but they don't come with the intention of killing us. Read more

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Stop the Spring Bear Hunt. You already have a poor reputation on many counts. Why not at least made one right decision. Get a backbone and stand up against the hunters who are very vocal but, indeed, are a minority. Hunters are not able to tell the difference from a male and female bear. Read more

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Stop the Spring Bear Hunt. You already have a poor reputation on many counts. Why not at least made one right decision. Get a backbone and stand up against the hunters who are very vocal but, indeed, are a minority. Hunters are not able to tell the difference from a male and female bear. Read more

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This is wrong by many reasons. First we encroach on their natural resources and habits. Many people also forget , there is a reason bears exist in the world, they do their part in the cycle of life . Bears also keep down the numbers of animals that they prey on. Read more

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I am strongly opposed to the Annual Spring Bear Hunt, as are most Ontario residents. Our forests and wild lands should be used to promote wildlife rather than killing it, or leaving young cubs to fend for themselves and likely die from starvation. Read more