Les Constructions Brigil Inc.

ERO number
Notice type
Ontario Water Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990
Posted by
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Bulletin posted
Last updated

This notice is for informational purposes only. There is no requirement to consult on this initiative on the Environmental Registry of Ontario. Learn more about the types of notices on the registry.

Bulletin summary

A new Permit to Take Water No. 1405-BP3P3J has been issued to Les Constructions Brigil Inc. on May 7, 2020 for construction dewatering purposes. Water is to be taken from one pond for the construction of a high-rise development to be located in Ottawa, Ontario. The new Permit to Take Water has an expiry date of June 30, 2022.

Why consultation isn't required

On April 1, 2020, the Ontario Government made a temporary regulation to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak. Ontario Regulation 115/20 exempted all proposals for policies, acts, regulations and instruments from posting requirements under the EBR.

Ontario Regulation 115/20 was revoked on June 15, 2020, however, we are posting this decision as a bulletin as because the proposal was posted on April 6, 2020 while Ontario Regulation 115/20 was in effect.

Although consultation was not required, the ministry did consulted with the public on this proposal by posting ERO# 019-1562 for public comment from April 6, 2020 - May 6, 2020. To ensure transparency, the ministry is providing details of its decision and the effects of consultation on decision-making in this notice.

Bulletin details


Les Constructions Brigil Inc.
98 Lois Street
Gatineau, QC
J8Y 3R7

Location details

99 Parkdale Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
K1Y 1E6

Instrument decision

A new Permit to Take Water No.1405-BP3P3J has been issued to Les Constructions Brigil Inc. on May 7, 2020 for construction dewatering purposes. Water is to be taken from one pond for the construction of a high-rise development to be located in the City of Ottawa, Ontario. The new Permit to Take Water has an expiry date of June 30, 2022.

Details of the water taking are as follows:

Source of water: pond

  • purpose of taking: construction dewatering
  • maximum rate per minute (litres): 5,556
  • maximum number of hours of taking per day: 24
  • maximum volume per day (litres): 800,000
  • maximum number of days of taking per year: 365
  • period of taking: January 1 to December 31 for 2 years

Request a copy of the permit.

Comments received

No comments were received.

Effects of consultation

Since we did not receive any comment during the commenting period, there is no impact of comment on the approval.

Third parties are not able to apply for leave to appeal in respect of proposals which were posted while Ontario Regulation 115/20 was in effect between April 1, 2020 and June 14, 2020. Ontario Regulation 115/20 exempted all proposals for instruments from posting requirements under the EBR. Leave to appeal may only be sought in respect of instruments that are required to be posted to the ERO.

Appeals information

Appeals are not allowed. This instrument type cannot be appealed.

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