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This seems like a barbaric and unnecessary practice in the modern age. Surely, someone intelligent can create some other way to support this kind of training that does not involve live animals? Read more

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I disagree with this proposal. This is no different then cock fighting of dog fighting and should not be allowed at all. Cruelty to animals Even thinking of making this legal is totally wrong.

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Absolutely disgusting using captive wildlife for training purposes. Makes no difference whether you feel these wild life populations have large healthy numbers or not. This practise is barbaric!! I want my complaint registered and counted. We should be as Canadians ashamed of this. Read more

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I am shocked to hear something of this barbaric nature is even being considered. This is Canada where I was born and have lived for 67 years old. Canada stands for equality and the humane treatment of all things. If I want torture there are plenty of places to chose from but not in my Country. Read more

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Do not allow these facilities! • These facilities cause unnecessary suffering for animals. Wild animals should be able to live a life worth living, and these facilities would be an unacceptable standard of living. Imagine living in fear your whole life. How awful! Read more

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Why is Minister Graydon Smith advancing this cruel, barbaric and disgusting proposal. The MNR and its staff and officers lose all credibility. This is animal cruelty at its worst. It’s sick. As a conservative I will tear up my membership card.

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All life is precious and to harm one in the belief it is necessary to aid another is barbaric. Look at your soul and recognize every living being possess the same. Shame on you if this persists.

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I am deeply appalled if not disgusted that the Ontario Government is proposing amendments to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act to allow new licenses for facilities that use captive foxes, coyotes and rabbits as bait to train hunting dogs. Read more

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Wow … who’s bright idea was this? Day by the government is showing their lack of respect and overall education. It’s 2023 and we should be moving forward not backwards. 100% disagree with this archaic practice. Wrong wrong wrong !!

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Captive wildlife should not be used to train dogs for hunting. This is cruel and inhumane. There should be no hunting. This is a horrifying proposal. I will use my and my families voting rights to express our disdain for any politician who allows cruelty to animals such as this to occur. Read more

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For heavens sake, commit to stopping any kind of practise that would use live animals as bait to train dogs. This is just simply cruel, sick and unnecessary. There are better ways to train dogs to track animals using mechanical tools, skilled instructors and special facilities. Read more