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I am in 100% support for the approval of allowing a period for new train and trial areas being established. The creation of more train and trial areas allows those in the sport more places to run hounds, which in turn allows for more down times in pens, which means less stress on game. Read more

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Your proposal is totally outrageous and mind blowing to me. What you are proposing serves no useful purpose to most people and only serves a very small percentage of the population. I can see no benefit unless you are using it as a way to get money from taxation. It is totally barbaric! Read more

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This is a barbaric, inhumane practice and should be banned not facilitated by our government! Please show some common decency and stop this. “ The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

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This is a shockingly bad idea. The notion of caging any animal for the purpose of training another animal is an unnatural intervention that ensures the death of wild animals. Having this done on private property leaves the opportunity for substantial abuse to be done out of the public eye. Read more

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I strongly oppose the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses, and the transfer of existing licenses, for dog train and trial areas in Ontario. Penned dog hunting facilities are cruel to the wild animals used to train dogs to hunt. Read more

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Allowing hunters to trap wildlife in pens and to use wildlife as rag dolls for hunting dogs is CRUEL. The law is going backwards - this is not an appropriate change to the fish and wildlife act.

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I strongly oppose this proposal. To capture and terrorize a live animal for the sake of training is on the same level as animal cruelty and animal testing. This proposal is inhumane. Dogs are incredible and can surely be trained without this tactic.

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Hi I do not agree with keeping wildlife in captivity for any of these purposes. It is inhumane to trap wildlife for these reasons. There needs to be a level of respect and compassion that should be upheld. Please reconsider this proposal. Regards; Shawn

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These practices seem unnecessarily inhumane to me, and several animal welfare groups are opposed. To my mind, the value gained from training pales in comparison to the cruelty involved. I am strongly opposed to the proposal.

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This is absolutely unnecessary. Regardless of the neutral impact on the environment it is cruelty and inhumane to keep wild animals trapped. There have to be better ways to train dogs and in today’s day and age where AI is prevalent everywhere you have an obligation to look at other options. Read more

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This is NOT an okay practice and should not be allowed. Wildlife are NOT toys and should never be trapped for this purpose and held captive! I do NOT agreed with this proposal and practice and it should NOT be allowed to go through!

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This is barbaric and outrageously cruel. I am beyond words and cannot believe that the Ontario government would even consider allowing this. I will be watching this closely and amending all future voting decisions accordingly. Read more

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This practice is nothing short of depraved. I am shocked to learn that it exists now. What a world. I.feel.there is no hope for decency. Let hunters sort out their own needs. My god why would we assist them by providing a cruel enclosures such as this. It is disgusting, inhumane and depraved. Read more