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The provincial government got this right in 1997, the phasing out of train and trial areas is the way to go. Trapping wildlife for the purpose of training hunting dogs is distressing to the trapped wildlife and a cruel and unnecessary practice.

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I vehemently oppose this trial. What sort of regressive policy would allow dogs to attack wildlife? If this goes forward, we’ve taken a big step backward as humans, back to bear baiting and cock fighting.

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This proposal is absolutely disgusting. There are safe ways to train dogs to hunt that don't subject innocent wildlife to a lifetime of abuse and stress. These kennels need to be permanently closed, not reissued new licences. This is animal abuse for sport! Read more

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I unequivocally reject the disgusting and cruel idea of using wildlife taken from their natural environments to be held captive by hunters and used as pawns to be traumatized, injured, or killed in order to train dogs for the enjoyment of hunters. Read more

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This proposal is absolutely appalling. It is cruel and unethical practice to keep wild animals in cages for the purpose of training dogs. The stress and anxiety this would cause the animals is extreme and should not be normalized by allowing people to get licensed to do such a thing.

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I am beyond shocked and sickened to learn about this thrust to expanding what is already an in humane , unethical and horrifying practice. I had no idea about this. I am not opposed to hunting but I am outraged that wild animals are being tortured, first by captivity and then by unfair slaughter. Read more

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This practice is old and archaic. There are better ways to train and trial than terrorizing and trapping other animals. We have come so much farther as a society than to pen animals for sport.

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I wish to express my strong opposition to the Ministry of Natural Resources proposal to allow new licences and the transfer of existing licenses, for "dog train and trial areas". Read more

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I am appalled by this proposed amendment. It is animal cruelty and Ontario residents are better than this. Furthermore, the sport of hunting requires an even playing field between predator and prey. This is not that. Read more

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The practice of "hounding" is beyond barbaric; dog fighting is illegal in Ontario and so should hounding; tearing apart foxes, coyotes and others in a pen where they cannot escape the name of dog training is animal cruelty, end of. Read more

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A pack a blood thirsty dogs is not my Ontario Only matter of time before a incident will occur And it will most likely involve children . Give your heads a shake there is no need for this !!

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This is a cruel proposal and should not be approved. Innocent animals should not be uprooted from their homes and caged for our benefit. I urge you to not move forward with this proposal.