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This proposal to allow dogs to train by hunting captive animals in an enclosed space is beyond cruel. It’s inhumane and barbaric and should NOT be expanded. It should be shut down completely. Read more

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don't torture animals, full stop. don't allow primarily men to torture animals in this fashion, either. it will lead to an increase in all types of violence, in all areas of society, especially against women & children.

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I am against enclosed camps to be used for training dogs in coyote hunting. This is cruel punishment for the coyote who will be run till near death on a daily/weekly basis. If you would like further comment, please reach out at

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This is barbaric. Anything of this nature should be completely banned. I also believe it is breaking some laws: Read more

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I am totally opposed to this barbaric change. To train dogs to hunt wild animals is inhumane. To use captured or raised animals to train the dogs is contemptuous. Instead of expanding the number of licences for this cruel practice, the existing licences should be cancelled. Read more

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This is inhumane and barbaric. This practice should stay back in medieval times where it was created. If this passes I will be ashamed to live here and won’t hesitate to tell everyone I meet why. I’m so incredibly disappointed and disgusted that this is even being considered. Read more

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The provincial government is proposing an amendment to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act (FWCA) that will encourage animal cruelty through the use of hunting dogs. Stop this inhumane treatment of wildlife. ⁠ Read more

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Animals need to be protected. Not abused or used as bait. Stop letting greed and selfishness be you guide. If animals had the power and everyone imagined this cruelty being inflicted on themselves, instead of the innocent defenceless beings, the cruelty would surely stop. Read more

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Canada prides itself for all the natural beauty it possesses across the country. We portray ourselves as a progressive country that respects and values nature, this bill however would be a colossal setback to Ontario. There is absolutely no reason to allow more of these facilities to exist. Read more

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I’m writing to show my disapproval of the proposed changes to allow more people and their dogs to hunt wildlife in an enclosed area. This is cruel and unnecessary, and appears to be for sport and recreation. Read more

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Hi, I think wildlife should be left alone while is not affecting people in certain areas even when the proposal says that it is sustainable to hunt some species also I think is cruel to train dogs for the purpose of hunting like a sport, all wildlife has a place in a natural chain and should be pres Read more

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The details of the proposal is one big euphemism to cover up the barbarism of this. Are we seriously stepping backwards? If the government allows this it’s just another example of being in a group’s pocket and not for the right or ethical reasons. Read more

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I and my entire family are completely opposed to this proposed amendment to the FWCA and the inhumane treatment and tracking/hunting of wildlife through captivity. In this day and age I don’t see it as a necessary option for training hunting or scent detection dogs. Read more