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1) Ethically and academically I am against the proposal (ERO 019-3685) to permit the transfer of licences and the issuance of new licences for dog train and trail areas. I am firmly against their ability to place wildlife in captivity and use it to train dogs for hunting. Read more

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This is not a great practice we should be encouraging. There are other, more humane ways of training hunting dogs. Look into other options such as using carcasses or fur from these animals for scent training. I don’t understand why the animal has to be alive. Read more

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This is absolutely disgusting. Why do you need to tear apart helpless animals? I doubt they make it to their 'safe' areas you describe. You could do simulations without using live creatures. This should not be happening. More disgraceful laws trying to be implemented by the government. Read more

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I’m strongly OPPOSED to this proposal. It’s incredibly frustrating that this type of activity, one that clearly involves animal cruelty, is being described as offering “opportunities” & “benefits”. How is there no empathy towards the innocent wildlife?! Read more

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This proposal makes me very discouraged about the place where we live. I have little confidence in a government that allows such archaic and barbaric practices that should have been phased out a long time ago. Ontario deserves leadership that allows us to evolve and grow as a province. Read more

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I am fully and absolutely against this proposal. This is completely unacceptable to support. Dogs should not be weapons. Aren’t you already engaged in unfair and biased attacks on dogs based on misguided ideas about how dogs that look a certain way are dangerous? Read more

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This hunting wild life by dogs, despite how cruel it will be…will only make those dogs even more predatory and a danger to other animals and humans. It has been banned in most civilized countries and has to be stopped. Nothing good can come if this. Read more

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How can you allow this to happen in the first place, and then now reverse your position from phasing out to allowing to increase and continue ad infinitum? It's barbaric and cruel! Wildlife is not there for our use, amusement, training, etc. Read more

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In my opinion, to make such changes will affect wildlife negatively. They will be trapped in fences and they won’t be wild after that point. Dogs can be trained in a different setting with using less land. On top of everything, what proposed is inhumane.

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Are you nuts?? Do you not have compassion, love of animals or do you get off with animal abuse, death and torture? Don't tell me that what you are suggesting is NOT abuse, NOT death and NOT torture of animals. There is no way you can tell me that what you are suggesting is humane. Read more

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This is cruel and unnecessary, leave our precious wildlife in their natural habitat, free to thrive. Why would such cruel acts be allowed? We upset the wildlife more then enough, let’s help protect the animals rather then cause unnecessary suffering.

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Why do we keep going backwards when we should be going forward? Animal cruelty is real and there is no way to ensure the safety of these wild animals. They should be left alone to live their life just as we want to do with ours. There are others way to train then to hold wildlife captive. Read more

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This proposal encourages the barbaric and inhumane treatment of wild animals that are generally known to be docile. It subjects wildlife to stress, trauma, and physical danger that can be ultimately fatal. Read more