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Our government has spent time and money in order to phase these facilities out. Regulating the proposed "expansion" of facilities will be costly and likely difficult to ensure the ethical sourcing and treatment of wildlife. To reverse this decision, would be foolish, expensive and cruel.

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I think this is a cruel, inhumane, & a regression to barbaric behaviour. I would like Ontario to participate in compassion for animals, & respect our wildlife which is already under so much strain with the massive development boom happening in Ontario right now. We are not at balance with nature. Read more

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This is the most vile and barbaric thing that I have seen come from this government yet. Apparently this government supports animal abuse. Any ethical hunter would find this barbaric as well. Stop supporting big lobby groups and be a better government. Read more

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This proposed legislation hidden in an omnibus bill is archaic and revolting. Animal cruelty is unnecessary. Allowing wildlife to be trapped and used as bait to train dogs is simply disgusting. Disgusting. I will be sharing this on every single media platform and contacting my MPP. Read more

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As a Canadian, I am appalled by this proposal. It is an unethical and archaic practice, completely out of touch with modern values towards animal welfare. There needs to be a total overhaul of these facilities, not an expansion of them. Read more

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I honestly cannot believe that the Ontario would even consider allowing new licenses for new dog train and trial areas. Wildlife should never be taken from their natural environments and held captive by hunters. Read more

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This seems backwards and archaic. If we were phasing these out in the 1990s why on earth would we expand them now? These activities sound extremely cruel to the wildlife and to the dogs. Time to end this.

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This initiative of Ford's has nothing to do with population control, they are trapped first, then brought to captive pens where the dogs are trained to kill them and tear them to shreds. Pure bloodsport. Furthermore, it is tantamount to dog and rooster fights, both which are illegal.

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I can not understand why in this day and age you would even consider an act this barbaric. These poor animals are already suffering enough. Is this what we want to teach our children? I think not. No way to escape so certain death. Not to mention teaching dogs to kill. Read more

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This is cruel and unnecessary. This is a terrible proposal and whoever is behind it should be ashamed. This is animal torture and has no place in today's society. As a tax paying citizen I'm shocked and disgusted by this.

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This is a cruel and inhumane practice, which should not be expanded. If the Ford government’s concern is that the “sport” will be driven underground, then there should be better monitoring and enforcement of existing laws.