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Municipal Engineers Association

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The Municipal Engineers Association represents 1,000 professional engineers employed by Ontario municipalities and provincial ministries/agencies. We are providing our comments to this ERO posting via an attached letter. Thank-you. Read more

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Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition

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To whom it may concern, I do not agree with this proposal. It is irresponsible to exempt highways from thorough environmental review. I support Environmental Defence and Canadian Environmental Law Association's submissions on this proposal. Read more

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January 24, 2022 EA Modernization Project Team Environmental Assessment Modernization Branch 135 St Clair Ave West, 4th Floor Toronto, ON M4V 1P5 Sent by email to: Dear EA Modernization Project Team Read more

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Commenting on behalf of

Ontario Good Roads Association

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Good Roads thanks the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) for the opportunity to comment on this proposal. Our association is generally supportive of the proposed list of projects that would be subject to the comprehensive environmental assessment (EA) process. Read more

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Ecojustice Canada

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January 25, 2022 EA Modernization Project Team Environmental Assessment Modernization Branch 135 St Clair Ave West, 4th Floor Toronto, ON M4V 1P5 Sent by email to: Dear EA Modernization Project Team Read more

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Ontario Waste Management Association (OWMA)

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In principle, OWMA supports the approach to allow some projects to follow a streamlined approval process with only designated projects subject to comprehensive environmental assessments. We recommend the following changes to waste project thresholds Read more

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All new and upgraded hydroelectric projects must include fulsome, inclusive, and meaningful public and Indigenous consultation and participation. Mining projects must be included in the Project List under this draft regulation. Read more

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For projects that are site specific (such as landfills, electricity generation, etc) it may be reasonable to give a fairly generous threshold, since the impacts are localized to a given area and there is far less spatial variation to consider in an environmental assessment. Read more

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concur with CELA's view, this is an inappropriate, unjustified, and unacceptable rollback of current EA requirements for these environmentally significant projects for several reasons: the Streamlined EA process is not as robust, accountable, or participatory as the Comprehensive EA process; Read more