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As a parent, a proud Ontarian, an admirer and lover of our natural treasures and wonders throughout this province, and an avid supporter of local businesses (especially locally grown produce and locally, humanely raised livestock), I am sorely disappointed in the PC government’s plan to destroy some Read more

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This proposal is a disgusting display of greed and abuse of power by Doug Ford to make his developer friends even more wealthy at the expense of the green belt wildlife and Ontarians. Ford is disingenuous and a lier, having promised never to do this. Read more

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Ontario does not need mansions! We need affordable housing for those with low income. Make use of the empty office buildings in TO to provide this housing. The Greenbelt needs to stay protected and undeveloped - it is green space we NEED for so many reasons. Read more

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This will be disastrous for conservation, endangered species, and the environment. Douglas, this is transparently a selfish grab to give your developer friends cash. Also you promised you wouldn’t do this. I’d you even pretend to actually care about Ontario, back off the green belt.

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We should be protecting our greenbelt, not selling it off piece by piece. The only people who want this proposal to go forward are the rich, while the rest of Ontario is suffering. The Conservative party should be ashamed. This is a disgusting, immoral use of power. Doug Ford is a sellout. Read more

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Dear Ford Government, Your proposal to rezone lands designated as Greenbelt is a HORRIBLE ONE! This plan seems to not take in to account the environmental impacts this will have. Has the government taken this into account given the current climate crisis we are already in? Read more

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I completely disagree with what Doug Ford is proposing in regards to destroying the green belt. Protected land is protected for a reason. There are rules in place for a reason. The fact that he thinks he can do what he wants and destroy our planet is insane. Leave the protected lands alone. Read more

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The greenbelt needs to be left alone. It's not going to solve our problems, only create new ones. Ford promised not to touch it, therefore he shouldn't. Every single time he promises to leave something alone and then doesn't it always turns out badly for Canadians.

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This is a terrible proposal. These are protected lands. For wildlife etc. You aren't suppose to build houses on them. Maybe instead, you should look at other ways at combating the housinb issues in Ontario. Like how no one can actually AFFORD a house. Read more