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With food prices soaring and distribution levels diminished, why would we destroy agriculture land? You build homes there it only benefits those with money to get more money. The Government is continuously trying to remove all power and say from the citizens, the people who live and work here. Read more

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This is a criminal act. Not to mention something Doug Ford said he would never do. Stop Doug Ford and stop this proposal from going through. We don’t need a Greenbelt filled with mansions. This proposal is disgusting and disconnected from reality. Read more

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We're in a climate crisis, we cannot afford build over conservation areas. This proposal does not help with affordability and at the same time makes significant damage to our environment. Homes belong in towns and cities, not on top of farms, forests and wetlands.

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This is a terrible proposition, destroying the green belt, protected land in which ecosystems thrive, instead of building on protected green land maybe help the current housing crisis by instead working on making housing more affordable and wages better so the cost of living is reasonable

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I immigrated to Canada for a reason. This country respects the environment and cares about the environment a lot more than where I came from. Now taking away the green belt for development is demotivating me to stay in Canada do vote for PCs again. Appreciate if you re consider this decision.

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I will never vote for the PCs if they push this through. Ford campaigned on promising not to touch the greenbelt. This is completely undemocratic - broken campaign promise AND telling municipalities what they have to do despite their electorate being against it.