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I live on the Oak Ridge's Moraine and have for the last 23 years. I know how delicate this ecosystem is. On our 22 acres, we have multiple springs, and two creeks converge into one before joining Bowmanville Creek. One creek actually starts on our property. Read more

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We should not develop the greenbelt. The “swap” suggestion is simply an out to kick the can down the road. Why not simply develop in places that are not key environmental areas. At this point, it’s as if you take enjoyment in killing off the environment and the very future of our people. Read more

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This is a ridiculous, corrupt gift to the developers and NIMBYs. There is plenty of space to build on top of parking lots, golf courses and strip malls. we should preserve the green belt and instead, densify and make walkable, transit-oriented communities.

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I do not agree with removing ANY acres from the green belt plan. The GREENBELT Plan was put in place to protect green spaces. Removing acres, especially for development goes against the whole purpose. Green spaces must be protected! There are other areas with infrastructure that can be utilized. Read more

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Efforts should be made to densify more urban areas instead of destroy natural environments that provide mitigating effects against climate change. This plan does not have the best interest of Ontario residents at heart - it was only made to make developers money. Read more

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Absolutely abhorrent. No evidence that axing green belt protections for housing will create affordable housing, instead putting money in the pockets of the premiers business partners. This will cause major environmental damage to the environment, Canada’s richest natural resource. Read more

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I am extremely concerned about the proposed changes to the green belt. The housing affordability report ( clearly outlines that land is not the issue in housing affordability. Read more

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As a citizen who has lived in Ontario their entire life, I do not approve of the destruction of the Greenbelt for another highway. It is robbery of the few green resources still left in Southern Ontario, and the Premier should be ashamed it even crossed his mind. Read more