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The greenbelt has created a supply crisis which in turn has made home ownership unaffordable. As I part time farmer I would like to be able to sever 2 acres for my children. Keeping my family together is a priority. My children at this point in time will be unable to afford a home. Read more

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The Greenbelt lands need to be preserved. You cannot sprawl onto farmland. Protect the greenbelt and agricultural areas. Hold the urban boundary in Hamilton. Stop Sprawl. Read more

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How could you, you were elected as representatives of the people, none of which want this wonton destruction of farmland and nature just to line developers pockets. The domiciles built here will not be affordable or actually help any challenges. Read more

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Your campaign promise was to maintain Ontario farmland. I want myself, children and future grandchildren to be able to grow crops and protect these valuable fields. I don’t want to be reliant on sketchy imports. Housing needs to be intensified in existing cityscapes. Read more

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I believe that affordable, reliable housing is a human right, but I also strongly believe that protected lands, for example the green belt should be left alone. It is important to keep green spaces intact and keep farm land in the hands of family farmers. Read more

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I oppose this proposal. Something that has this much impact on our area should be put to the vote in a referendum. I'm tired of having a provincial government make decisions that go back on promises.

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I’m against the newest policy put forward by the Ontario govt. it does not address our current environmental crisis nor the housing shortage. It will provide land developers with income creating shoddy homes for middle class and rich citizens. What happened to trying to increase population density? Read more

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This proposal will not generate more affordable houses! The only houses that will be built are luxury ones that most people cannot afford. This will hike up the public’s taxes - meaning we are to foot the bill for the necessary infrastructure. Ford keeps getting richer while the public pays for it. Read more

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The Ford government needs to respect the environmental expertise gathered by years of environmental stewardship, and to first and foremost support densification in established urban areas. Read more

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I live in Ubridge Ontario. There are a large number of properties in the green belt that are used for purely residential purposes. My property is 10 acres and i want to subdivide it into 1 - 5 acre property and then a 2 acre property and 3 acre property. Read more

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I do NOT support a plan like this which supports urban sprawl and endangers critical natural and agricultural lands. Plus should encourage gentle density in existing urban areas and leverage existing amenities and infrastructure.

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I just wanted to comment that I am in favour of section 4,3,3 lot creation on agricultural land. I have been in discussions with the local municipality for many years. My parents own this land in Welland with city water running in front of our land and it was residential zoned. Read more

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Please do not kill the Provincial Growth Plan, which was designed to ensure efficient use of southern Ontario’s very finite land supply and limited construction capacity. Read more

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I agree we need to increase our efforts to build housing including expanding the land available to do so.... however, we cannot build or develop areas suited to growing food crops or grazing lands that are close to large urban centres. Read more

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I think this will be great planning to replace existing one and if we’ll executed should solve a lot of housing shortage, there are a lot of already disturbed land specially in York region that can not be used neither for agricultural neither residential under current regulations , hopefully this ne Read more

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The provincial government is going in the wrong direction. We should build up, not out. Ontarians who need housing the most are not helped by suburban homes. It is core development where the working poor and the young hip want and need to be.