Update Announcement
This decision notice has been updated on August 30, 2024, to advise the public of a change of conditions of provisional consent. The Notice of Change is attached and the list of non-standard conditions listed here has been updated, accordingly.
This consultation was open from:
February 6, 2024
to March 7, 2024
Decision summary
Pursuant to Section 53 of the Planning Act, provisional consent to create one new lot for seasonal recreation was granted on April 22, 2024, subject to conditions. A Notice of Change, dated August 29, 2024, has amended the list of conditions.
Location details
Site address
MacDonald Bay Road
Lower Onaping Lake
P0M 2R0
Site location details
Location 4E-208, Plan AE208 PCL11933 (PIN 7326-0008), Ulster unincorporated township, District of Sudbury.
Site location map
The location pin reflects the approximate area where environmental activity is taking place.
View this location on a map opens link in a new windowProponent(s)
Serge and Tuula Ayotte
P.O. Box 139
P0M 1J0
Decision details
Application 52-C-202036 would create a 1.0 ha new lot for seasonal recreational use on Lower Onaping Lake in Ulster unincorporated township, District of Sudbury.
The application was reviewed for consistency with the environmental policies of the Provincial Policy Statement 2020 (e.g., natural heritage, water quality protection). No public comments were received, or concerns identified. The decision to approve the consent is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and will not have a significant impact on the environment.
The approval can be appealed by a specified person or public body, as defined in s. 1(1) of the Planning Act, using the procedure outlined below. Notice to appeal the decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal must be filed with the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing on or before September 18, 2024.
The applicant has two (2) years to satisfy conditions from the date of the Notice of Change, otherwise the approval will lapse.
Non-standard conditions include:
- That prior to final approval, and pursuant to subsections 53(12) and 51(25) and 51(26) or (27) of the Planning Act, the applicant shall enter into a Consent Agreement with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, to its satisfaction, addressing the use and potential development of the severed lot, including:
- the lot can only be used for resource-based recreational uses (including a recreational dwelling) and is not to be used for permanent residential or commercial uses;
- provisions to obtain undertakings from the applicant and/or the applicant’s lawyer to implement conditions and requirements, including that the Consent Agreement be registered on title in priority to other documents; and,
- provisions relating to the enforcement of the Consent Agreement.
- That prior to final approval, the Ministry must be advised in writing by Public Health Sudbury and Districts regarding the suitability of the retained and severed lots for sewage and water systems:
- For the retained lot, the health unit should confirm:
- That the existing septic was installed with a valid permit and that it meets required clearance distances (as per Ontario regulations 358 and 903, and the Building Code) to the proposed lot lines.
- Whether there is the ability to accommodate additional installations (i.e., installing replacement parts of systems) and/or a new Class IV sub-surface sewage system, should it be required.
- With respect to water services, if the lot has more than five (5) service connections, the health unit must indicate they approve of the water system, or that public health approvals are not required.
- For the severed lot,
- The health unit should indicate that a new Class IV septic system could be installed to Code with appropriate setbacks.
- For the retained lot, the health unit should confirm:
- That prior to final approval, the Ministry must be provided with written confirmation from Conservation Sudbury indicating that a new Class IV septic system could be installed on the severed lot, in compliance with the conservation authority’s permit requirements.
- That prior to final approval, the Ministry must be provided written confirmation of adequate capacity to dispose of hauled sewage generated by the retained and severed lots. This written confirmation should take the form of a letter from the holder of an Environmental Compliance Approval for an approved septage disposal facility, confirming it has sufficient reserve capacity to accept any additional hauled sewage from these lots.
- That prior to final approval, an archaeological assessment by a licensed archaeologist under the Ontario Heritage Act must be prepared and submitted. The assessment report must conform to the Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism (MCM) standards and guidelines for Consultant Archaeologists (2011). The licensed archaeologist will send the assessment to MCM for review and registration. MCM will send an acceptance letter to MMAH when MCM requires no further assessment.
Effects of consultation
Supporting materials
View materials in person
Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.
Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.
159 Cedar Street
Suite 401
P3E 6A5
How to Appeal
This instrument decision can be appealed. You have 20 days from April 22, 2024 to begin the appeal process.
Carefully review the information below to learn more about the appeal process.
How to appealClick to Expand Accordion
Start the process to appeal
You can appeal all or part of this this instrument to the appeal to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) by submitting a notice of appeal to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing.
There is an additional “leave to appeal” right under the Environmental Bill of Rights.
Who can appeal
A notice of appeal can be submitted by:
- individuals
- corporations
- public bodies
A notice of appeal can’t be submitted by:
- an unincorporated association
- an unincorporated group
You can, however, submit a notice of appeal as a member of the unincorporated association or group.
You have to have made an oral submission at a public meeting or a written submission to the council before the official plan amendment was adopted. Note: this is not required if you are appealing a proposal for provisional consent (no official plan in place).
Notice of appeal
Your notice of appeal must include:
- the specific part, or parts of the official plan amendment that you wish to appeal
- the reasons for your appeal
- the appeal fee, payable by certified cheque or money order to the Minister of Finance, Province of Ontario
Note: appeal fees and options for reductions are outlined in the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal’s fee chart.
Mail your notice of appeal
Send your notice of appeal to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing via the ‘issuing authority’ contact listed below.
Send a copy of your notice of appeal to the Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks. You can provide notice by email at minister.mecp@ontario.ca or by mail at:
College Park
5th Floor, 777 Bay Street
Toronto, ON
M7A 2J3
Serge and Tuula Ayotte
P.O. Box 139
P0M 1J0
Registrar, Ontario Land Tribunal
655 Bay Street, Suite 1500
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 1E5
(416) 212-6349
(866) 448-2248
Include the following:
This is not legal advice. Please refer to the Environmental Bill of Rights for exact legal requirements. Consult a lawyer if you need help with the appeal process.
Connect with us
Alissa Moenting Edwards
159 Cedar Street
Suite 401
P3E 6A5
Original proposal
Proposal details
The application proposes to sever approximately 1 hectare with 78 metres of frontage on Lower Onaping Lake, a depth of 181 metres, and an existing access driveway from MacDonald Bay Road. The proposed severed lot includes a camp, a sauna, a woodshed, a garage, and an outhouse (that will be replaced with a private septic system). The new lot would continue to be used for seasonal residential purposes.
The proposed retained lot of approximately 1.94 hectares would have 157 metres of frontage on Lower Onaping Lake, a depth of 179 metres and an existing separate access driveway from MacDonald Bay Road. The proposed retained lot would continue to be used as a commercial resort property with six frame camps, an outhouse (unused since 1999 and to be removed), a main lodge, a shed, a garage, and a sauna, and an existing private septic system. No construction is proposed as a result of this application. Surrounding the subject lands are either private, or Crown lands. Crown lands to the north, and northwest are part of the Onaping Lake Conservation Reserve (lakebed, and shoreline back to 120 metres unless privately owned).
The application will be reviewed for consistency with the environmental policies of the Provincial Policy Statement (e.g., natural heritage, water quality protection). Public comments received or concerns identified will be considered in the review to determine whether the application is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and whether it would have any significant impact on the environment.
If you have any questions, or would like to submit comments, please do so either online (below), by letter or phone to the contact person listed. Please submit your comment during the 30-day public consultation period and reference the Environmental Registry Number 019-8072.
Your personal information may be used in the decision-making process on this proposal and it may be used to contact you if clarification of your comment is required. It may be shared (along with your comment) with other Ontario ministries for use in the decision-making process. Questions about this collection should be directed to the contact listed.
If a person or public body that wishes to file an appeal in respect of the proposed consent does not submit written comments to the Minister before the Minister gives or refuses to give a provisional consent (e.g., during the public consultation period), the Ontario Land Tribunal may dismiss the appeal. Appeal of a decision of the Minister in respect of this consent may be made by a specified person or any public body not later than 20 days after notice of the decision is given. If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Minister in respect of the proposed consent, you must make a written request to the Minister at the contact address.
As required under the Planning Act, a public notice will be published in the Sudbury Star on Tuesday February 6, and in Sudbury Le Voyageur on Wednesday February 7, 2024.
Supporting materials
View materials in person
Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.
Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.
159 Cedar Street
Suite 401
P3E 6A5
Commenting is now closed.
This consultation was open from February 6, 2024
to March 7, 2024
Connect with us
Alissa Moenting Edwards
159 Cedar Street
Suite 401
P3E 6A5
Comments received
Through the registry
0By email
0By mail