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York 1 needs to have an environmental assessment done on the proposed ‘dump’ just outside of Dresden! They need to pay for it….. not the citizens of Dresden! You people need to get your act together and not sell us to the highest bidder! Toronto needs to keep its own trash! Read more

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York1 take your dump where it will not bother the air and not 1 km away. Instead try somewhere up NORTH away from small towns like Dresden. Read more

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This proposal must have an environmental assessment to prove that this dump should not go in a small community, especially within 1km which is technically against the law. York1 is a big company trying to bully a small town community and they are trying to get this built through loopholes. Read more

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We are not interested in having more traffic around here as sometimes we sit 10 minutes trying to get onto 21 highway in town also our property values would depreciate drastically, the smell would be worse then the canners in the summer when evaporators are running and the varments we would end up w Read more

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I hope a thorough environmental assessment is done concerning this landfill. I do not want this in my backyard for environment reasons and health reasons. So please don't let these big companies come in and destroy our small community. Read more

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a full environmental assessment is needed on this proposal. My main concern is what is going to happen should a runoff occur from Molly's Creek that flows into the Sydenham River. We have fish spawning in Molly's Creek and the Sydenham is home to many endangered species. Read more

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We do not want Toronto garbage! Read all the reasons people have written over and over again. A big company is trying to take advantage of an old outdated zoning because some idiots did not know they had to revoke that when we became part of the municipality.

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As a 33 year resident of Dresden, I do not remember the proposed site ever open as a dump. I do not even remember it as a tile yard. I do remember it being used as a Waste Wood depot and a Training area for CK Police Services. Read more

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A complete comprehensive environmental assessment NEEDS to happen at the site that York 1 wants to use as a dump outside of Dresden. The potential environmental impacts of what York 1 is proposing is alarming! Read more

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You need to do a full environmental study as to the impact of this landfill or permanently close it and not allow for rezoning in Dresden for any sort of dump or landfill in any way shape or form. Our town can not handle the hundreds of trucks going through our town.

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This should not even be an issue for the town of Dresden. This small piece of land that holds an old permit should never been even considered a good location for a Maga recycling facility or dump as they are calling it. It is located to close to the town and the area is known to flood. Read more

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We are opposed to this proposal from York 1 for a dump in our town. We are most concerned with the amount of noise a 24 hour operation will have as well as the amount of trucks coming thru not just our town but others as well. And with the amount of truck traffic coming the air pollution as well. Read more

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As a resident of Dresden and a person living within 500 m of this proposed site, I do not feel this landfill and waste processing site should even be considered because of it's proximity to the town. Read more

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Yes an environmental assessment is very much necessary for this site. Don't let a loophole in the system allow a new landfill to happen unchecked.

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I notice in "Home" at the beginning of this page that you use such words as " former Town of Dresden". This is no longer the "former" it is the Town of Dresden with over 2000 residents and thousands more who have lived in the area and still love it and visit as often as possible. Read more