Hello--My name is Lou Longo from Sarnia Ontario
, please see my comments below:
Regarding the issuance of the Provincial Planning Statement as a policy under subsection 3(1) of the Planning Act, set to take effect on October 20, 2024, I currently have an application for Op amendment and rezoning for property at 1111-1113 1115 Confederation Street in Sarnia Ontario, I request that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) consider addressing the newly updated policies related to Employment Areas through transitional policies.
I have submitted a site-specific OP and Rezoning change in the City of Sarnia’s Official Plan to allow retail as a permitted use on a portion of their lands, along with an amendment to Zoning By-law 85 of 2002 to permit standalone retail uses on the subject property. Office uses are currently permitted as of right under both the existing Official Plan and Zoning By-law. The current designation of the subject lands in the City of Sarnia Official Plan is Prestige Employment.
With the introduction of new policies, particularly subsection 1(1) of the Planning Act, which no longer recognizes standalone retail and office uses that are not associated with primary permitted uses in Employment Areas, my zoning changes might not be completed in order for me to fully develop the land---I currently have a national retail tenant already signed a long term lease for the site.
I own the entire property, which have been developed in phases. This development proposal represents the third and final phase, crucial for the comprehensive development of the property as well as offering future employment opportunities within the City of Sarnia
A public meeting has been scheduled for September 9, 2024, to discuss the OPA/ZBA, and the City of Sarnia Planning department has recommended that the OP and Rezoning be approved and there has been no opposition from any neighbours or different departments---which have all been circulated.
Iam worried that I may not be able to establish these uses on the lands before October 20, 2024. This is due to the fact that the County of Lambton, as the approval authority for Official Plan Amendments, will still need to review the amendment, and a Site Plan application is also required to facilitate the proposed development.
I'am also working on the Site Plan application to file also, the recent legislative changes raise concerns about whether the timing will align with the necessary approvals.
We have been working on this development for over 4 years now--I request that fair transitional measures for areas and planning matters impacted by the new Areas of Employment regulations could be to permit the processing and approval of planning and development applications submitted before October 20, 2024. This would enable the resolution of any planning and development applications that are currently pending and allow these developments to proceed as intended.
Thank You
Lou Longo VP
Longo Holdings Inc
Submitted August 31, 2024 3:33 PM
Comment on
Consideration of transition of land use planning matters to facilitate the introduction of a new policy statement issued under the Planning Act.
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