There are three things I'm concerned about with this bill:
1) First and foremost, I think it will cause more deaths and injury to cyclists. Without protected space, cyclists are open to traffic of all kinds which will absolutely increase cyclists casualties. Part of Ford's thinking is that cyclists can bike on smaller streets but a cyclist's destination or leaving point might be on a bigger street. How do you get to Yonge and Dundas square, for example, without going on Yonge or Dundas?
2) I believe this will increase traffic collisions too, as cyclists will have to integrate with vehicle traffic. The thing that slows down traffic is unpredictable roads and drivers having to make decisions on the fly. Of course that's part of driving but instead of a driver trying to get around a detour, they're trying to go alongside a cyclist is who physically vulnerable but also having to make decisions on the fly since they're on the road too. This will make traffic stop and go, increasing congestion and accidents.
3) I just don't think the province should be meddling in municipal affairs like this. For a Conservative government, this is a Big Government move. There's the meddling part, but then there's also the expense the province will need to expend to review new proposed bike lanes. That money could be better spent, or put towards the deficit. Toronto telling Sarnia or Thunder Bay or Petawawa what to do with their main streets seems like an overreach of government.
I implore the government to back away from this bill. I believe, over time, it will be a liability to the provincial Conservatives reputation. No time will be saved for drivers, congestion will be worse, more people will be killed and all because the province wanted to dictate what happens in people's communities.
Submitted October 22, 2024 3:29 PM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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