To whom it may concern,…

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To whom it may concern,

Thank you for the opportunity to add my voice to the provincial public consultation on Bill 4, Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018.

I write to you because I believe there is urgency for us to collaborate to tackle the biggest challenge humanity is facing- climate change. Give the recent IPCC scientists report, it clear that climate change needs to be a priority for all governments and we need to be investing in transitioning to a carbon-free economy.

Not only will people suffer but business and our economy suffers from more extreme weather events that are exacerbated with climate change. We will not only have to invest in infrastructure maintenance but in constant repair.

Bill 4, as it stands, will take us backwards. It eliminates the legislative framework to address climate change in Ontario without anything to replace it.

I urge the Government of Ontario to legislate strong action to reduce its carbon pollution in line with the commitments Canada has made under the Paris Climate Agreement.

Ontario can and should be a leader for the good of our economy and our future. I would say my children’s future, but I am (among others) delaying becoming a parent due to the scientifically based/reasonable fear of what our future might look like. I am hopeful but we need to act now. This means cutting carbon pollution and investing in the jobs, technologies, institutions and infrastructure of a 21st century low-carbon economy.

There are lots of ways that we can do this:

*I want legally binding emissions targets in line with our obligations to the Paris Climate Agreement.
*In addition to targets, carbon pricing is the most practical and cost-effective way to lower greenhouse gas emissions while encouraging low-carbon innovation (EcoFiscal Commission, 2018). Cap and trade is highly effective, with practically no impact on the economy (EcoFiscal Commission, 2018). Even if you do not support cap and trade, there are other carbon pricing mechanisms that should be considered.
*I want Ontario to aim to be 100% powered by renewable energy including water power from Quebec.
*Retrofitting buildings will cut energy costs and put thousands of people to work making Ontario’s buildings more efficient, more valuable, and more comfortable.
*We can cut emissions from transportation by investing in better public transit, electric vehicle infrastructure powered by clean, renewable energy, and active transportation such as cycling.

Let’s set Ontario to become a leader in transitioning to a carbon free economy and welcome businesses that are interested in the way of the future.

As we make this transition, we need to protect and work with the most vulnerable, such low-income Ontarians, workers in affected industries and First Nations.

Thank you for listing and it with my deepest hope you are inspired to act and push for what we all need a hopeful future.