The County of Wellington on behalf of the Province of Ontario has allocated to the Township of Centre Wellington over half of the population growth targets issued by the previous Liberal government. This scenario will result in Centre Wellington's population increasing from currently 30,000 to approximately 53,000 by the year 2041. With that in mind, the citizens of Centre Wellington are becoming increasingly concerned about the sustainability of their ground water supply. Currently, Nestle owns the prime location for an additional township well on Middlebrook road in Elora. They are considering developing a commercial water extraction facility on that site and are proposing to take up to 1.6 million litres of water per day once the necessary permits are issued. This is the equivalent of the amount of water used by 2700 homes currently within our municipality. This water will be taken from our watershed forever and exported to distant markets in order to substantially increase the profits of an international water bottling corporation who only regards this precious resource as a highly profitable commodity. We the residents of this community strongly urge the provincial government to carefully consider the negative impact this kind of scenario will have on the future of a growing community such as ours. Please say no to the permit application for water taking from our municipality. Thank you.
Submitted November 12, 2018 3:46 PM
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Extending the moratorium on water bottling permits
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