I am very concerned about this legislation targetting for removal specific bike lanes in the City of Toronto. I am puzzled about why, with so many issues that are provincial wide, such as lack of family physicians, increased wait times for specialists and surgeries, insufficient beds and places to live for the elderly, issues in the education system, housing unaffordability and availability shortages, that the legislature is spending time, effort, and money, to interfere in the running of one City, a job that belongs to Toronto City Council.
I am concerned about the short-sighted nature of these proposed changes. They purport to deal with gridlock and congestion, thus saving time for car commuters. Are there high quality, independent studies to back up that claim? Why are the expert opinions of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Ontario Professional Planners Institute, Ontario Society of Professional Engineers, and Ontario Traffic Council, who all do not support Bill 212 not being considered? What about the joint letter written by 120 physicians and researchers?
What is the overall plan and vision to ensure the creation of safe, healthy, liveable, and walkable cities? Why are we not modelling ourselves after many European cities, where so many people (who can afford to travel) love to visit, that have mature and robust biking infrastructure?
I live near the Danforth in East York, and I feel so much safer riding in the protected bike lane. I therefore use my bike much more than I did prior to the installation of the bike lanes. It is terrifying cycling next to cars without infrastructure protection. The number of avoidable deaths of cyclists is heart-breaking. Why is “the orderly movement of motor vehicle traffic” being prioritized over “safety” and “health”? Have we lost so much of our humanity that we prefer to save a few minutes of time if it means more families suffer the loss of a loved one?
I am strongly against this bill and urge the government to take action to support walkers, cyclists, and transit users and to take action to create and encourage the building of sustainable and liveable cities.
Thank you.
Submitted November 19, 2024 5:01 PM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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