As both a driver and a…

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As both a driver and a cyclist in Toronto I can’t imagine how anyone would think the removal of the bike lanes (many that have been firmly established routes across the city) is a good idea.
The safety of cyclists will be at a huge risk with the removal of bike lanes. Drivers know that the demarcation of a designated bike line (be it with physical barriers or paint) helps both drivers and cyclists respect the other’s space as both are navigating their way in our city. As a driver I am more likely to see and be aware of cyclists when I know where to look for them. As a cyclist I feel more secure knowing that a car is less likely to clip me or swerve or turn into my bike when I’m using a designated bike lane. Having just spent some time in NY where bike lanes are on most busy major streets, I feel embarrassed that my city (actually not my CITY, rather the PROVINCE, under Ford) is taking a giant leap backwards in road safety. What should be done instead is a complete rehaul of the design of our current bike lanes so there’s a consistency and cohesiveness in their engineering across the board. But removing them completely is super dangerous and frankly baffling.