It is inconceivable that any…

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It is inconceivable that any rational government would close a legally permitted renewable energy facility before it is constructed without providing a reason for doing so.

What is the reason for the closure of this facility? Please justify this reason using published information.

It is further difficult to understand this irrational behaviour in light of the most recent IPCC report which, essentially, has informed governments of the world that there are 12 years to initiate or continue actions which will contain the levels of green house gases to an effect of less than 1.5 C global heating. How does the closure of this renewable energy facility help to achieve this goal? I presume that it does not. Indeed, the monies that the provincial government might spend compensating the project proponent and, likely, fighting legal actions, and perhaps paying punitive damages are monies that will not be available for the fight against climate change.

It is even more difficult to understand the closure of this facility when no plan has been published by this provincial government to address the climate change that this sustainable energy facility would have helped mitigate. Where is the government's climate change plan and how does the closure of a wind farm fit into it?

In addition, it seems that this provincial government is inimicable to business. Why would any other proponent invest in Ontario when the government is willing to write legislation to close down its legally permitted business? A business that would assist in the fight against global climate change. Is it possible that General Motors has looked at this egregious example of unjustifiable legislation and decided that it does not want to carry on business in Oshawa any longer?

There doesn't seem to be any positive outcome of this government's action in this matter, so, again, what is the (rational, justifiable) reason for doing this?