I would like to share some…

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I would like to share some facts that I have recently learned . The environmental disruption that dismantling the White Pines Wind Project would cause is very concerning! I am going to list them in point form or I will be writing a novel. 1) If the base of the turbine is destroyed, the massive eqipment required to do the removal would involve a hydraulic hoe ram(giant jackhammer basicly), to smash up the 52 tons of rebar intertwined with approximately 840 tons of cement, that is at each one of the nine sites.The time frame to do this incredibly loud hammering would take roughly one month per site. 2)The excavater would dig the broken mass from the 18 metre wide and 1.5 metre deep hole.After hauling it all up and out there would need to be a significant amount of land required to dump it on. 3)A massive pullverizer then hammers and smashes the mass to seperate the iron and the cement,once again taking a great amount of time to do so considering the tons of rubble that has to be sorted,not to mention the relentless pounding noise! 4)The bulldozers that consume unmentionable amounts of fuel and add to the noise and need a large span of ground to manuver , would be loading the dump trucks with 20 tons each load, for the thousands of trips to some landfill site.Imagine the constant noise,pollution by fossil fuel emissions ,damaging roads, potentially hitting turtles or birds along the way and creating swirling dust and dirt that will coat plant life and property all along the route. 5)The empty hole created by the removal of this huge mass will be constantly filling with ground water that will need gas and diesel pumps running 24 hours a day ,up to six at each site,causing a flood of water over the ground unless it is loaded into water trucks that would need to drive to another location ,again causing road wear, burning countless litres of fossil fuel etc. 6)There are many km.s of cable buried that would need to be dug out requiring fuel guzzling excavators,and other large equipment to do this noisey dirty job.Then of coarse road usage and wear. I think I have painted a clear picture of the unjustified ,and totally devastating act of destroying this productive wind farm for no logical or sensible reason.There are many constructive jobs these machines could be used for, instead of going in the wrong direction .