Under 013-4040 it is…

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Under 013-4040 it is proposed that that any new zoning bylaw would apply only when the locations of the tubines are changed not if they were being upgraded in an existing location. This approach exempts existing operating projects from being affected by new by-laws and regulations. This would allow projects to increase the size of their turbines without having to prove that new larger turbines meet noise and environmental standards as well as new and existing muncipal by-laws. (or for that matter any new international, national or provincial standards governing wind turbines)

In effect this section does nothing to allow muncipalities any say over how older projects will be handled when the developer wants to upgrade the project. (same as the Green energy act)

Why does the wind energy industry get such preferential treatment? Or will the provincial government be offering the same treatment to all entities within the province. ie will nuclear plants be able to upgrade existing facility without notifying relevant agencies, will hydro facilities be able to retain larger quanties of water without notifying municipalites upstream of potential flooding or will an individual after building a home be able to come back and build a larger multi-unit building on top of the existing building without the need to apply for permits .

Or is this a rule that only applies to rural Ontario muncipalites?

This appears to be a dangerous precident being set by the provincial governmet (favouring one industry over all others)

From the prespective of a rural muncipality I don't see the difference between what the Provincial Government is doing to muncipalities and what the Provincial governement feels is being done to Ontario by the federal government in respect to the imposition of the Carbon Tax.

If the government truly wants to give back the control to muncipalites, that was taken away by the Green Energy Act, then this section cannot be included in any legislation.