Economic growth will not…

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Economic growth will not save the global, provincial or local economies. Indeed, just the opposite. For economic growth is the cause of the ecological crisis. What is being proposed for Ontario with this government is heinous.

Remove outdated and time-consuming reporting requirements under the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Act, including ones required for loan guarantee programs.- this reporting ensures that things are done with respect, with care and without recklessness. Removing them will mean decisions will be made without the kind of care that will keep farmers, the environment and business safe and prosperous.

Enable amendments under the Farm Registration and Farm Organizations Funding Act to simplify delivery of programs and enhance responsiveness. - Simplicity does not always mean better. In fact, it often means things are lost or left unattended.

Schedule 3: Ministry of Education
Remove restrictions on home-based child care providers, including allowing additional children, to make it easier for parents to find affordable child care. - HOLY F!!!!! Are you out of your minds? Ask any parent who stays home....limits on the number of children that can be cared for as CRITICAL to ensure quality day care! This is a monstrous proposal!

Lower the age of children that authorized recreation programs can serve from 6 to 4. - WHY? To help with day care? Or to help Ontario become a leader in sports and rec? This does not make sense!

Schedule 5: Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Repeal the Toxics Reduction Act, 2009 by 2021, remove the toxics reduction plan in 2019 and rely on the robust and science-based Federal Chemicals Management Plan
NO!!!!! The Toxics Reduction Act is in place to care for citizens of Ontario! Removing it is also heinous!

See "Repeal the Toxics Reduction Act, 2009 and all associated regulations by December 31, 2021" (ERO # 013-4234) and
See "Planning and reporting changes under the toxics reduction program and Ontario Regulation 455/09" (ERO # 013-4235)

Schedule 7: Ministry of Government and Consumer Services
Reduce where operating engineers are required to supervise. - NO We need confident that engineers have signed on off projects. Not have professionals who are accountable opens the public up to disaster, accidents and excess costs.

Schedule 9: Ministry of Labour
Amend the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) to reduce regulatory burden on businesses, including no longer requiring them to obtain approval from the Director of Employment Standards for excess hours of work and overtime averaging. - This is outrageous. There is no administrative burden that superceds safety and health.

Stop requiring employers to post the Employment Standards Act (ESA) poster in the workplace, but retain the requirement that they provide the poster to employees. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Schedule 10: Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Introduce a new economic development tool and remove planning barriers to expedite major business investments and speed up approvals by about two years. NO! Planning barriers? They are planinng regulations that ensure health and safety, environmental and ecological services will be maintained, and business will not run over the rest of the province.

Schedule 11: Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
Amend the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 to reduce administrative burdens. - What are these burdens? Extra paperwork? They are in place for safety and security.

I am horrified that the current provincial government is proposing these changes. I believe they are giving only superficial credence to all the things that make this province great, and subsuming all these great things under the guise of better business. I am embarrassed to be living in Ontario when I read what is being proposed. These ideas are short sighted. We are living in times of a global economy, global ecology and global science...but we are stuck with provincial politics; with decisions being made to promote political dynamics that are not well thought out. Indeed, that are faulty.

These changes are wrong.