I do not support bill 66…

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I do not support bill 66. This bill, as proposed, will threaten Ontario's water, farmland, natural and environmentally sensitive areas. It would circumvent vital protections for water, land animals and people. It will support urban sprawl that will increase municipal taxes and add to the burden of public infrastructure. A repeal of the TRA would allow industry to use and create toxic chemicals into the environment.

This is a reckless bill to propose. It is bad for our environment, bad for our water, our air and our health. This is an attack on legislative provisions that were thoughtfully put in place to protect public health and safety. I did not vote for the Ford Conservative Government. The values of this government do no align with mine and I do not agree with their undermining of the current land and water protection acts.

This bill will not create sustainable jobs rather, create low wage, temporary construction jobs. It will lead to low quality, hastily built homes and buildings that will become a burden to homeowners and tenants. The aftermath of this bill if passed will be owned by the people and the municipalities and the PC government will assume no responsibility. Now is the time to focus on urban area intensification to create livable, walk-able, sustainable cities. This bill will take incentive away from industries to develop within cities where opportunities currently exist.

I do not support any aspect of this bill, nor will I accept a bill that proposes to do anything similar in the future. I do not support bill 66.