I hope that the Ontario…

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I hope that the Ontario government takes into consideration the long-term effects that urban sprawl will have on Southern Ontario. From natural areas to traffic because of poor infrastructure design. We need to start making Builders accountable by having them leave creeks and water spaces, old growth trees ....it should be protected at all costs ..tress need to be relocated or built around. Green spaces and Parks should be at the Forefront.... I understand the need for development but irresponsible excessive development is not sustainable and also takes away the charm and beauty of what we have in Southern Ontario. I don't enjoy going to the supermarket and paying astronomical prices for food when I know that we have the ability to grow what we need and sustain ourselves in Southern Ontario. Stop allowing so many houses to be built in one area.... Paving over every single field we have to grow food! Stop displacing natural animals or animals that depend on grasslands and trees to live in and on! Start cleaning up cities by building and cleaning up areas within the city.... start cleaning up old degraded buildings and Brownfield areas! More infill into the cities....No Urban sprawling!!! If you drive around southern Ontario as the sun rises and realize the absolutely immense beauty that is in a Southern Ontario and that we are Paving over for what? Giant houses that people will not be able to afford? I want to be able to have a southern Ontario that my children will want to grow up in, to be able to have green space for playing and for their children to play in.... I want to be able to hear birds chirping because they have trees to live in. . It absolutely breaks my heart that we are so dead set on taxes and money and have such a short outlook for the future.... we allow these Builders to build below quality Homes.... and get rich beyond belief to buy up more of the land that we need to sustain ourselves. While the problems with traffic and infrastructure will be a problem of communities and taxpayers once they are done wreaking havoc....just stop!!!!